









在表示“长者”的意思上,elder有很多同义词可以替换。例如:senior、older、aged、veteran等。而在表示“年长的”意思上,则可以使用words like “older”、“more mature”、“senior”,以及phrases like “of a certain age”。


(1) His elder brother is a doctor.


(2) The elder members of the community are highly respected.


(3) He is five years elder than me.




- senior citizens (老年人)

- the elderly (老年人,通常指60岁以上的人)

- golden agers (老年人,通常指退休后的人)


(1) elder care 老年护理

(2) elder abuse 老年虐待

(3) elder statesman 杰出的政治家或社会领袖

(4) elderflower 桑花



1. Elder的意思是“年长的”,通常用来指比自己年龄大的人。例如,“My elder brother is 3 years older than me.”(我的哥哥比我大3岁。)

2. Elder的发音为/ˈɛldər/,注意第一个音节要读得重一些。

3. Elder的同义词包括:older、senior、elderly等。例如,“She is my older sister.”(她是我的姐姐。)

4. 例句:“He is the eldest in our family.”(他是我们家里最年长的。)

5. “Elder”也可以作为名词使用,表示“长者”、“老人”。例如,“The elders in the community are respected for their wisdom and experience.”(社区中的长者因其智慧和经验而受到尊重。)

6. 另外,“elder”还可以用来形容事物,表示“更早的”、“更古老的”。例如,“The elder version of this software has more features.”(这款软件的旧版本有更多功能。)

7. 在某些文化中,elder也被用来表示对年龄相对较小但地位较高的人或者领导者的尊称。例如,“Please listen to what your elders have to say.”(请听听你们长辈们想说什么。)


1. elder statesman - 老牌政治家

例句:He is considered an elder statesman in the world of politics.

2. elder brother/sister - 哥哥/姐姐

例句:My elder sister is three years older than me.

3. elder care - 老年护理

例句:She works at an elder care facility, taking care of the elderly.

4. elder abuse - 老年虐待

例句:The government has implemented stricter laws to prevent elder abuse.

5. elderflower - 接骨木花

例句:Elderflower tea is known for its medicinal properties.

6. elderberry - 接骨木果实

例句:Elderberry jam is a popular treat in many European countries.

7. eldership - 长者的身份或地位

例句:He was honored with eldership in his community for his contributions.

8. eldest son/daughter - 长子/长女

例句:The eldest son inherits the family business according to tradition.

9. elders' council - 长者议会,长老会议

例句:The elders' council meets every month to discuss community issues.

10. elder law - 老年法律,老年人权益保护法律

例句:She specializes in elder law and helps seniors navigate legal issues related to aging.

11. Elder Futhark - 古代北欧文字母表,常用于符文和占卜术中。

例句:Many people get tattoos of Elder Futhark symbols as a form of self-expression.

12. Elder Gods - 古老的神灵,常用于幻想文学中。

例句:The Elder Gods are said to have created the universe in many ancient myths.

13. elder stateswoman - 老牌女政治家

例句:She is a respected elder stateswoman in her party, known for her strong leadership.

14. elderflower cordial - 接骨木花糖浆

例句:Elderflower cordial is a popular drink in the summer months.

15. elder wisdom - 长者的智慧,长者的经验

例句:He always seeks out his grandfather's elder wisdom when making important decisions.

16. elder statesperson - 老牌政治家,老牌领导人

例句:She is considered an elder statesperson in her field, with decades of experience and knowledge.

17. elder law attorney - 老年法律专家,老年人权益保护律师

例句:He hired an elder law attorney to help him plan for his retirement and protect his assets.

18. Elder Scrolls - 古卷轴游戏系列,包括多款角色扮演游戏。

例句:Many gamers are eagerly anticipating the release of the next Elder Scrolls game.

19. elder abuse hotline - 老年虐待举报热线

例句:If you suspect someone you know is being abused, call the elder abuse hotline immediately.

20. elderspeak - 对老年人使用简单语言和婴儿语调的说话方式。

例句:Elderspeak can be seen as condescending and disrespectful towards older individuals


1. Senior - 老年人,年长者

例如:"The senior members of the community often gather at the park to play chess."

2. Elderly - 老年的,上了年纪的

例如:"The elderly couple has been married for over 50 years."

3. Senior citizen - 老年公民,老人

例如:"Many senior citizens enjoy spending their retirement traveling."

4. Old-timer - 老前辈,老手

例如:"The old-timer at the bar shared stories of his travels with the young bartender."

5. Veteran - 老兵,退伍军人

例如:"The veteran proudly wore his military medals on his jacket."

6. Elder statesman/woman - 政界前辈,资深政治家

例如:"The elder statesman advised the young politician on how to navigate through difficult situations."

7. Wise man/woman - 智者,贤人

例如:"My grandfather is a wise man who always gives me good advice."

我们可以了解到elder是一个常用的英语单词,它的发音是/ˈeldər/,意思是“年长者”或“长辈”。elder在口语和书面语中都有广泛的用法,比如指代家庭中的长辈、民族中的长者、教会中的牧师等。除此之外,elder还可以作为形容词使用,表示“年长的”或“老练的”。同时,在表达尊重和敬意时,我们也可以使用同义词senior来替换elder。例如,“My elder brother is a senior manager in a company.”最后,请大家多多关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣且实用的英语学习内容。我是网站编辑,喜欢就关注我吧!