成功是每个人都渴望的,但是如何轻松地取得成功却是许多人一直在探寻的问题。今天,我们将带您深入了解一个行业标题——“Effortless Success: Understanding the Concept of '以逸待劳'”,这个概念在英语中是如何翻译的呢?它又有什么特殊之处?让我们一起来揭开这个谜团吧!通过对“以逸待劳”的含义、翻译、概念解析以及用法和例句的介绍,您将更加深入地理解这一概念,并掌握它在英语中的类似表达方式。现在就让我们开始吧!


1. 什么是'以逸待劳'


Effortless Success: Understanding the Concept of '以逸待劳

2. 起源


3. 概念解析


4. 实践意义


5. 如何实践'以逸待劳'






6. '以逸待劳'与现代社会



1. Introduction

2. The Meaning of '以逸待劳'

3. The Cultural Context of '以逸待劳'

4. Translation Challenges

5. Possible Translations

6. Conclusion


'以逸待劳' is a Chinese idiom that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the business world. It is often used to describe a strategy of achieving success through minimal effort and maximum efficiency. However, this concept can be difficult to translate into English due to its cultural connotations and nuances.

The Meaning of '以逸待劳':

'以逸待劳' literally translates to "wait at ease for the tired ones." It is derived from the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu's famous quote, "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." This quote emphasizes the importance of using strategy and intelligence rather than brute force to achieve success.

In modern usage, '以逸待劳' has come to mean working smarter instead of harder, or using minimal effort to achieve maximum results. It also implies being patient and waiting for the right opportunity rather than rushing into action.

The Cultural Context of '以逸待劳':

To fully understand the concept of '以逸待劳', it is essential to consider its cultural context. In Chinese culture, there is a strong emphasis on harmony and balance, both in personal and professional life. This concept also reflects the traditional Confucian values of diligence, patience, and strategic thinking.

Translation Challenges:

Translating '以逸待劳' into English poses several challenges due to its complex cultural implications and lack of an exact equivalent in English. Literal translations such as "wait at ease for the tired ones" or "wait for the tired ones to come" do not fully capture the essence of the idiom.

Possible Translations:

1. "Effortless Success": This translation captures the idea of achieving success with minimal effort, but it does not convey the patience and strategic thinking aspect of '以逸待劳'.

2. "Strategic Patience": This translation emphasizes the importance of being patient and waiting for the right opportunity, but it does not include the concept of minimal effort.

3. "Success Through Efficiency": This translation highlights the idea of using minimal effort to achieve maximum results, but it does not capture the cultural connotations of '以逸待劳'.

4. "Smart Work, Not Hard Work": This translation emphasizes the importance of working smarter rather than harder, but it does not convey the idea of being patient and waiting for the right opportunity.


In conclusion, '以逸待劳' is a complex concept that can be challenging to translate into English. However, by considering its cultural context and nuances, we can come up with translations that capture its essence to some extent. Ultimately, understanding this concept requires a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and values



1. '以逸待劳'的含义


2. '以逸待劳'与轻松成功


3. 如何运用'以逸待劳'



1. 什么是'以逸待劳'


2. '以逸待劳'的用法


- 在工作中:小明很聪明,他总是能够找到一些简单有效的方法完成任务,因此经常被老板称赞为“以逸待劳”的员工。

- 在学习中:小红每天都会花一些时间复习课程内容,她认为“以逸待劳”比死记硬背更有效。

- 在运动中:这位运动员虽然年龄已经不小了,但他仍然保持着良好的体形和健康的身体,他说这都是因为“以逸待劳”的锻炼方法。

3. '以逸待劳'的例句

- 他并不是一个勤奋的人,但是他总能通过一些巧妙的方法达到成功,这就是“以逸待劳”的魅力所在。

- 这位老师很擅长教学,她总能让学生轻松地掌握知识,她说这都是因为她善于运用“以逸待劳”的教学方法。

- 这个团队虽然每个人都很忙碌,但是他们总能保持高效率完成任务,原因就在于团队领导者善于运用“以逸待劳”的管理策略


1. "Success through Ease": This phrase captures the essence of "以逸待劳" in English. It emphasizes the idea that success can be achieved effortlessly, without having to exert too much effort or struggle.

2. "Effortless Achievement": This is another way to express the concept of "以逸待劳". It suggests that success can be attained effortlessly, without having to put in a lot of hard work and stress.

3. "Relaxed Success": This phrase conveys the idea of achieving success while remaining relaxed and at ease. It implies that one does not have to constantly push oneself to achieve success, but rather, it can come naturally when one is in a state of relaxation.

4. "Success with Ease": Similar to "Success through Ease", this phrase highlights the idea that success can be attained with minimal effort and strain.

5. "Effortless Progress": This expression emphasizes the aspect of making progress without putting in too much effort or encountering obstacles. It suggests that success can come easily and smoothly.

6. "Natural Success": This phrase conveys the concept of achieving success in a natural and effortless manner, without having to force it or struggle for it.

7. "Unforced Success": This expression captures the idea that success can come without any force or pressure, but rather through a natural flow and ease.

8. "Easeful Achievement": This phrase emphasizes the ease and comfort associated with achieving success, rather than feeling stressed or overwhelmed by it.

9. "Success with Minimal Effort": As its name suggests, this expression highlights the idea that success can be attained with minimal effort and strain, similar to how one would approach the concept of '以逸待劳'.

10. "Effortless Attainment": Similar to other expressions mentioned above, this phrase implies that success can be achieved effortlessly and without too much struggle or strain

'以逸待劳'是一种高效的工作理念,它告诉我们要善于把握时机,避免不必要的消耗,从而达到事半功倍的效果。在英语中,我们可以用类似的表达方式来传达这一概念,比如“make hay while the sun shines”、“strike while the iron is hot”等。希望通过本文的介绍,大家能够更加深入地理解和运用这一理念,在工作和生活中都能取得更加轻松和成功的成果。最后,我是网站编辑XXX,如果您喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!