
The meaning of "ducks"

1. Introduction


Ducks are aquatic birds that belong to the Anatidae family, which also includes swans and geese. They are found in both saltwater and freshwater habitats and are known for their distinctive webbed feet, broad flat bills, and waterproof feathers.

2. Definition of "ducks"

The word "ducks" can refer to two different things: the plural form of the noun "duck," which is a type of bird, or the present tense verb "duck," which means to lower one's head or body quickly to avoid something. In this article, we will focus on the noun form of "ducks."

3. Different Types of Ducks

There are over 120 different species of ducks, each with its own unique characteristics and behaviors. Some common types include mallards, wood ducks, and teal ducks. These birds can vary in size, color, and habitat preferences.

4. Cultural Significance

Ducks have been a part of human culture for centuries and have been featured in various forms of art, literature, and folklore. In many cultures, they symbolize traits such as gracefulness, adaptability, and loyalty.

5. The Meaning of "Ducks"

The meaning of "ducks" can vary depending on context. As mentioned earlier, it can refer to a type of bird or an action. However, it can also be used figuratively to represent someone who is calm on the surface but paddling furiously beneath the water.

6. How to Pronounce "Ducks"

In terms of pronunciation, "ducks" is pronounced as /dʌks/, with a short vowel sound in the first syllable followed by a hard /k/ sound at the end.

7. Synonyms for "Ducks"

Some synonyms for "ducks" include waterfowl, waterbirds, fowl, and game birds.

8. Examples of "Ducks" in Sentences

- "Look, there are a group of ducks swimming in the pond."

- "Be careful not to get hit by the ball, duck!"

- "She may seem calm, but she's paddling like mad under the surface. She's a real duck."

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, "ducks" can refer to a type of bird or an action and is often used figuratively to represent someone who is calm on the surface but working hard underneath. With over 120 different species, ducks are fascinating creatures that have been a part of human culture for centuries

How to pronounce "ducks"

1. What is the meaning of "ducks"?

- "Ducks" refers to a type of waterfowl bird that is known for its webbed feet, broad flat bill, and waterproof feathers. They are commonly found in bodies of water such as ponds, lakes, and rivers.

2. How do you pronounce "ducks"?

- The word "ducks" is pronounced as /dʌks/ (duhks). The 'u' sound is short and the 's' sound is pronounced with a slight hiss.

3. Are there any synonyms for "ducks"?

- Yes, there are several synonyms for "ducks" such as waterfowl, fowl, and wildfowl. These words all refer to the same type of bird.

4. Can you provide some examples of how to use "ducks" in a sentence?

- Sure, here are a few examples:

a) The pond was filled with ducks swimming peacefully.

b) I saw a flock of ducks flying overhead.

c) My favorite animal at the zoo is the ducks.

d) The hunter aimed his gun at the group of ducks in the marsh.

e) We fed breadcrumbs to the ducks at the park.

5. Is there any difference between "duck" and "ducks"?

- Yes, there is a difference between these two words. While both refer to the same type of bird, "duck" is singular while "ducks" is plural. So, if you see one bird swimming in a pond, you would say "Look at that duck!" But if you see multiple birds swimming together, you would say "Look at all those ducks!"

6. Can you provide some tips for pronouncing "ducks" correctly?

- Of course! Here are some tips:

a) Remember to pronounce the 'u' sound as short and crisp.

b) The 's' sound should be pronounced with a slight hiss.

c) Practice saying the word slowly and then gradually increase your speed.

d) Listen to native English speakers say the word and try to mimic their pronunciation.

e) Record yourself saying the word and listen back for any mistakes.

In conclusion, "ducks" is a type of waterfowl bird that is pronounced as /dʌks/ (duhks). It has several synonyms such as waterfowl, fowl, and wildfowl. Remember to pronounce the 'u' sound as short and crisp, and the 's' sound with a slight hiss. With practice, you will be able to pronounce "ducks" correctly in no time!

Usage and examples of "ducks"

1. Definition of "ducks"

"Ducks" is a plural noun that refers to a type of bird that is commonly found near water. They have webbed feet, a broad flat bill, and are known for their distinctive quacking sound.

2. Pronunciation of "ducks"

The word "ducks" is pronounced as /dʌks/ with the "u" sound being similar to the word "love". It is important to note that the final "s" in "ducks" is pronounced as /z/ instead of /s/.

3. Synonyms for "ducks"

- Waterfowl: This term refers to any bird that lives near or on water, including ducks.

- Fowl: This is a general term for any type of bird used for food or domestic purposes.

- Poultry: This term refers to domesticated birds raised for their eggs or meat, including ducks.

4. Examples of using "ducks"

- The pond was filled with ducks swimming and quacking.

- We had roast duck for dinner last night.

- The farmer raises ducks and chickens on his farm.

5. Common phrases with "ducks"

- Sitting ducks: This phrase refers to someone or something that is in a vulnerable or defenseless position.

Example: The soldiers were sitting ducks in the open field during the battle.

- Get your ducks in a row: This phrase means to get organized or prepared.

Example: We need to get our ducks in a row before starting the project.

6. Idioms with "ducks"

- Like water off a duck's back: This idiom means something does not affect someone at all.

Example: Negative comments about her appearance are like water off a duck's back; she doesn't care what others think.

- Dead as a dodo/duck: This idiom means something or someone is completely dead or finished.

Example: The old tradition of sending letters is dead as a dodo in this digital age.

7. Common expressions with "ducks"

- Duck soup: This expression means something is easy or effortless.

Example: With my experience, this task will be duck soup.

- A lame duck: This expression refers to someone who is weak or ineffective.

Example: He was seen as a lame duck president by the end of his term.

In conclusion, "ducks" can refer to the bird itself or be used in various phrases and idioms. It is important to note its proper pronunciation and usage in different contexts

Phrases with "ducks"

1. "Like water off a duck's back" - 意思是指某件事情对某人没有影响,就像水滴从鸭子的背上滑落一样。例句:He didn't care about the criticism, it was like water off a duck's back to him.

2. "Dead as a dodo" - 意思是指某物或某人已经完全消失或死亡。例句:The old tradition of sending love letters seems to be as dead as a dodo in this age of technology.

3. "Sitting duck" - 意思是指易受攻击或受害的人或物。例句:The company's poor security measures left them as sitting ducks for cyber attacks.

4. "Duck soup" - 意思是指非常容易完成的事情。例句:With the right tools, fixing this car will be duck soup.

5. "Duck out of water" - 意思是指感到不舒服、不自在,或者不适应于某种环境。例句:As an introvert, attending parties always makes me feel like a duck out of water.

6. "A lame duck" - 意思是指无能为力的人,通常用来形容即将离任的政治领导人。例句:The president was considered a lame duck during his last months in office.

7. "Duck and cover" - 意思是指在危险时采取保护措施。这个短语来源于冷战时期的防空演习。例句:In case of an earthquake, remember to duck and cover under a sturdy table.

8. "A sitting duck" - 意思是指容易被欺骗或出卖的人。例句:The new intern was a sitting duck for the office pranksters.

9. "Duck and dive" - 意思是指逃避或躲避某事。例句:He's been ducking and diving to avoid paying his taxes.

10. "Duck in a noose" - 意思是指陷入困境或被迫接受某事。例句:She felt like a duck in a noose when her boss asked her to work overtime on the weekend

Synonyms for "ducks" with examples

1. 意思是什么 - What does "ducks" mean?

- What is the meaning of "ducks"?

2. 怎么读 - How to pronounce "ducks"?

- How do you say "ducks"?

3. 同义词 - Synonyms for "ducks"

- Alternatives for "ducks"

- Other words for "ducks"

4. 同义词及例句 - Synonyms for "ducks" with examples

- Similar words for "ducks" and their usage examples
