双喜:意义、同义词、用法和成语链。这个行业标题一定让你感到好奇,是不是?那么让我们一起来揭开其中的秘密吧!Double Happiness,这个词组的意思究竟是什么?它又该如何读音呢?在使用中有哪些需要注意的地方?除此之外,还有哪些同义词可以替代它?更重要的是,Double Happiness所指涉的文化背景又是怎样的呢?还有哪些相关成语可以延伸出来呢?让我们一起解开这个谜题,探寻双喜背后的故事吧!

Double Happiness的意思是什么

Double Happiness是一个有着深刻含义的词汇,它源自中国传统文化中的一个重要概念,也是一种美好的愿望。它的意思可以从不同的角度来理解,下面就让我们一起来探究一下吧!

1. 双喜:从字面上看,Double Happiness就是“双喜”的意思。在中国文化中,喜代表着幸福、快乐和好运,因此双喜也就成为了双倍的幸福和好运。这个词汇通常被用来祝贺新婚夫妇,寓意着他们将会拥有双倍的幸福和美满的生活。

Double Happiness: Meaning, Synonyms, Usage and Idiom Chain

2. 吉祥图案:除了作为一个词汇外,Double Happiness也是一种具有特殊含义的图案。它由两个相同的“喜”字组成,形象地表达了双倍的幸福和美满。这个图案经常被用来装饰结婚礼物、红包和喜庆场合。

3. 喜结良缘:在中国传统文化中,结婚被视为人生中最重要的大事之一。因此,“Double Happiness”也可以解释为“喜结良缘”。这个词汇寓意着两个人的结合是幸运的、美好的,并且将会带来无限的幸福。

4. 幸福的象征:除了结婚,Double Happiness也可以用来表达其他形式的幸福。比如,一个人在事业上取得了成功,或者家庭和睦、生活安稳等等。总之,它代表着一种积极向上的情绪和美好的未来

Double Happiness怎么读

1. Double Happiness的含义

Double Happiness是一个英语词组,由两个单词“double”和“happiness”组成。它的字面意思是“双重幸福”,通常用来表示一种特殊的幸福感,而不仅仅是普通的快乐或满足感。

2. Double Happiness的同义词

在英语中,有许多与Double Happiness相似的表达方式。比如,“double joy”、“twofold happiness”、“doubled happiness”等。它们都指代同样的概念,即获得了双倍的幸福或喜悦。

3. Double Happiness的使用场景

Double Happiness通常用来描述一种特殊的幸福感,比如结婚、生育、工作成功等重大事件带来的喜悦。它也可以用来形容某人在某件事情上取得了双倍的成就或获得了双倍的回报。

4. Double Happiness在成语中的应用

除了作为一个独立词组使用外,Double Happiness也经常出现在许多成语中。比如,“double your happiness and double your trouble”,意为“双喜双忧”;“double the pleasure, double the fun”,意为“享受两倍乐趣”。

5. Idiom Chain:从Double Happiness到Happiness is doubled when shared

Double Happiness作为一个词组,可以延伸出许多相关的成语。比如,“double your happiness”可以引申为“double your blessings”,意为“双倍的祝福”。再延伸下去,“happiness is doubled when shared”,意为“幸福是与他人分享时才会加倍”

Double Happiness的用法和双语例句

1. Double Happiness的含义

Double Happiness是一个常用的英语短语,直译为“双重幸福”,意为“双倍的幸福”或“双重的喜悦”。它通常用来形容某个人或某件事带来的双重快乐,也可以表示两个人之间的幸福关系。

2. Double Happiness的同义词

Double Happiness可以替换为其他类似的表达,如Double Joy、Twofold Happiness、Dual Bliss等。它们都传达着相同的含义,强调着两倍的幸福和喜悦。

3. Double Happiness的使用场景

Double Happiness通常用于正面积极的语境中,比如描述婚姻、家庭、友谊等带来双重幸福感的情况。它也可以用于描述某件事物带来双倍收益或效果的情况。例如:“他们结婚后,感受到了真正意义上的Double Happiness。” “这份工作不仅给我带来了经济上的Double Happiness,更让我找到了自己热爱做的事情。”

4. Double Happiness在成语链中

Double Happiness也是一个成语链中常见的短语。成语链是指由多个成语组合而成,形成一个完整意义并且相互呼应的句子。例如:“双喜临门,双喜盈门,双喜临门,双喜临门,双重幸福降临到了我们家。” 这个成语链中的每个成语都包含着Double Happiness这一短语,强调着幸福的加倍。

5. 双语例句

- The birth of our twins brought us double happiness.


- They won the lottery and experienced a double happiness.


- The couple's wedding anniversary was a celebration of their double happiness.


- The new job not only brought her financial stability but also a sense of double happiness.


- Double happiness is not just about material wealth, it's also about inner peace and contentment.


Double Happiness的同义词示例

1. Blissful Union: This phrase refers to the state of being in a happy and harmonious relationship or marriage, similar to the concept of "Double Happiness."

2. Perfect Match: This term is often used to describe a couple who are perfectly suited for each other, experiencing a sense of "Double Happiness" in their relationship.

3. Joyful Partnership: Just like "Double Happiness," this phrase conveys the idea of two people coming together in a joyful and fulfilling union.

4. Delighted Duo: This playful phrase suggests that two individuals are extremely happy and content in each other's company, much like the feeling of "Double Happiness."

5. Contented Couple: Similar to "Double Happiness," this term portrays a couple who are satisfied and at peace with each other, experiencing true happiness in their relationship.

6. Harmonious Pair: This phrase emphasizes the harmony and balance between two individuals, reflecting the idea of "Double Happiness" as a state of perfect harmony.

7. Ecstatic Matrimony: This expression conveys the intense joy and excitement that comes with being happily married, similar to the concept of "Double Happiness."

8. Felicitous Union: This term suggests that two people have found great happiness and good fortune in their union, just like the feeling of "Double Happiness."

9. Elated Connection: Just like "Double Happiness," this phrase highlights the strong emotional connection between two individuals that brings them great joy and happiness.

10. Glorious Bond: This phrase conveys a deep sense of love and happiness shared between two people, similar to the concept of "Double Happiness" as a symbol of marital bliss

Double Happiness所指的文化背景及相关成语



1. 双喜临门:指好事成双,如结婚生子等。

2. 双喜盈门:意为幸福满溢,家庭兴旺。

3. 双喜鹊桥:传说中仙女牵线搭成的桥,使得有缘人能够相遇并结合。

4. 双喜鹤立:比喻夫妻恩爱、情感和睦。

5. 双喜冠绝:指好运连连,幸福无比。




Double Happiness是一个富有意义的词汇,它不仅代表着幸福和喜悦,更蕴含着中国传统文化的深厚内涵。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加了解和欣赏这一词语,并在日常生活中能够运用自如。最后,我作为网站的编辑,也希望能够为大家带来更多有趣、有用的知识和信息。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,让我们一起探索更多有意思的内容吧!谢谢阅读!