
Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?


1. 简介

翻译是将一种语言的意思转换为另一种语言的过程,它在不同领域都扮演着重要的角色。在英语学习中,理解和掌握常用短语的翻译是非常重要的一步。因此,本小节将为您介绍如何正确地翻译一个常用短语:“Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”

2. “Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”的意思


3. “Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”在实际对话中的应用

当我们遇到一个陌生的英文表达时,我们可能会问:“Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”来确认对方是否知道这个表达方式。这也可以帮助我们更好地沟通和交流。

4. 该短语的正确翻译

那么,“Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”应该如何正确地翻译呢?其实,这句话并不需要特别复杂的翻译,一般可以直接翻译为:“你理解这个短语在英语中的意思吗?”或者更简洁地说:“你懂吗?”

5. 该短语的相关表达方式

除了“Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?”,还有一些类似的表达方式可以用来确认对方是否理解某个英文表达。比如:

- Do you know what this phrase means in English?

- Are you familiar with the meaning of this phrase in English?

- Can you explain what this phrase means in English?



首先,让我们来看看这个短语中每个单词的发音。"Do"是一个元音音素,读作/də/, "you"也是一个元音音素,读作/juː/。"Understand"则是一个辅音-元音-辅音组合,读作/ˌʌndərˈstænd/。"Meaning"同样也是一个辅音-元音-辅音组合,读作/ˈmiːnɪŋ/。最后,"phrase"的发音为/freɪz/。

现在让我们把这些单词连起来来看看整个短语的发音方式。整体来说,这个短语可以读作/də juː ʌndər ˈstænd ði ˈmiːnɪŋ ɒv ðɪs freɪz/. 当然,在不同地区和口语中可能会有细微差别,但总体上应该保持相似。



1. 用法解释:该短语通常用于询问对方是否理解某个英语短语的含义。它可以用作一种礼貌的方式来确认双方的沟通是否顺畅。

2. 双语例句:

- A: Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?

- B: Yes, it means "to be on the same page".

- A: That's right! You're catching on quickly.




- A: Do you understand the meaning of this phrase in English?

- B: No, I'm not sure. Could you explain it to me?

- A: Sure, it means "to let the cat out of the bag".





1. "Get the hang of" - 理解、掌握

例句:It took me a while, but I finally got the hang of using chopsticks.

2. "Wrap your head around" - 理解、接受

例句:It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that she's leaving for good.

3. "Figure out" - 找出、弄清楚

例句:I can't figure out how to solve this math problem.

4. "Grasp the concept" - 理解概念

例句:It took me a while to grasp the concept of quantum physics.

5. "Comprehend" - 理解、领会

例句:I still can't comprehend how he managed to win the race.

6. "Make sense of" - 弄明白、理解

例句:Can you help me make sense of this complicated instruction manual?

7. "Decipher" - 解释、破译

例句:It took us hours to decipher the ancient hieroglyphs on the wall.

8. "Wrap your mind around" - 适应、理解

例句:It's hard to wrap my mind around the idea of living in a foreign country.

9. "Fathom" - 想象、理解深奥之处

例句:I can't even fathom how much money he has in his bank account.

10. "Grasp at straws" - 不知所措、拼命寻找答案

例句:After failing multiple times, he was grasping at straws for a solution to his problem


1. Can you comprehend the significance of this expression in the English language?

2. Are you familiar with the interpretation of this saying in English?

3. Do you grasp the connotation of this phrase in English?

4. Have you caught on to the meaning of this idiom in English?

5. Are you able to make sense of this saying in English?
