

1. 概念解释



2. 同义词


- Mistrust:与distrusts同义,表示“不信任”,但更强调对他人的不信任。

- Doubt:与distrusts有些许差异,表示“怀疑”,但更偏向于对事实、观点或判断的不确定。

- Suspect:与distrusts有些差异,表示“怀疑”,但更强调对某人或某事物的可疑性。

- Question:与distrusts有些差异,表示“质疑”,但更偏向于对某个观点或说法的置疑。

3. 例句

- He distrusts everyone and believes that people are always out to get him.


- The government's actions have caused many citizens to distrust their leaders.


- She has always had a deep distrust of authority and prefers to make her own decisions.


- I doubt his ability to complete this project on time.


- The police suspect that the missing person may have been kidnapped.


- We should question the validity of these statistics before making any conclusions.



1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


3. 例句

(1) She distrusts all politicians and refuses to vote.


(2) The company's financial troubles have led to a growing distrust among investors.


(3) He has a deep-seated distrust of authority figures.



1. distrusts的意思


2. distrusts的读音


3. distrusts的同义词

distrusts的同义词包括:mistrust、suspect、disbelieve、be skeptical of等。这些同义词都强调对某人或某事物缺乏信任或怀疑。

4. distrusts的例句

- She distrusts everyone and always thinks they have ulterior motives.


- The company's CEO has been accused of betraying the trust of his employees, leading to widespread distrust among the staff.


- The government's lack of transparency has caused many citizens to have a deep-rooted distrust towards their leaders.


5. 搭配短语

- have a deep-seated/mistrustful distrust towards 对...有根深蒂固的/怀疑的不信任

- be filled with distrust 充满不信任

- express distrust 表达不信任

- harbor/hold distrust 对...抱有不信任

- meet with distrust 遭到不信任

6. 注意事项



1. Mistrust - 不信任,对某人或某事持怀疑态度。例如:She mistrusted his intentions and refused to work with him.(她对他的意图持怀疑态度,拒绝与他合作。)

2. Suspicion - 怀疑,猜疑。例如:There was a suspicion of fraud in the company's financial records.(公司的财务记录中有欺诈的嫌疑。)

3. Doubt - 怀疑,不确定。例如:I doubt the accuracy of his statement.(我怀疑他的陈述是否准确。)

4. Skepticism - 怀疑论,持怀疑态度。例如:The public's skepticism towards the government's policies has grown in recent years.(公众对政府政策的怀疑态度近年来有所增长。)

5. Distrustfulness - 不信任,怀疑。例如:Her distrustfulness made it difficult for her to form close relationships with others.(她的不信任让她很难与他人建立亲密关系。)

6. Wariness - 谨慎,警惕。例如:His wariness towards strangers was a result of past experiences.(他对陌生人的警惕是过去经历的结果。)

7. Cynicism - 愤世嫉俗,冷嘲热讽。例如:His cynicism towards authority figures often got him into trouble.(他对权威人物的愤世嫉俗常常给他惹来麻烦。)

8. Disbelief - 不相信,怀疑。例如:Her disbelief in the supernatural was evident in her refusal to believe in ghosts.(她对超自然现象的不信任在她拒绝相信鬼魂时表现出来。)

9. Misgiving - 疑虑,担忧。例如:He had misgivings about the new project and expressed his concerns to the team.(他对这个新项目有疑虑,并向团队表达了自己的担忧。)

10. Distrustfulness - 不信任,怀疑。例如:His constant distrustfulness towards his colleagues made it difficult for him to work effectively with them.(他对同事持续的不信任让他很难与他们有效地合作。)


1. Trusts:相信,信任。例如:She trusts her best friend with all her secrets.

2. Believes:相信,认为。例如:He believes that hard work will lead to success.

3. Relies on:依赖,依靠。例如:She relies on her family for emotional support.

4. Has faith in:对...有信心,相信。例如:He has faith in his team's ability to win the game.

5. Confides in:向...吐露心声,倾诉。例如:She confides in her therapist about her problems.

6. Depends on:依赖,取决于。例如:The success of the project depends on everyone's cooperation.

7. Favors:看重,偏爱。例如:The boss favors employees who are hardworking and dedicated.

8. Counts on:指望,依赖。例如:We can count on our friends to support us during tough times.

9. Trustworthy:可靠的,值得信赖的。例如:He is a trustworthy friend who always keeps his promises.

10. Faithful:忠实的,可信赖的。例如:The dog is a faithful companion who never leaves its owner's side.

