

1. defected的含义



2. defected的解释



3. defected怎么读


4. defected同义词

- Deserted:与defected意思相近,都表示离开原本所属的组织、团体或国家。

- Betrayed:也可以指某人背叛原本所属的组织。

- Flawed:与defected意思相近,都表示某物有缺陷或损坏。

5. defected例句

- He defected from his country and joined the enemy.


- The product was recalled due to defects in its design.


- The leader of the group felt betrayed when one of his members defected to the rival team.




1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


- abandon:放弃,抛弃

- desert:离开,背叛

- betray:背叛,出卖

3. 例句


- He defected to the enemy camp during the war.(在战争期间,他投降了敌方阵营。)

- The politician defected from his party and joined the opposition.(这位政治家背叛了自己的党派,加入了反对派。)

- The athlete was disqualified for defected equipment.(这位运动员因装备有缺陷而被取消资格。)

4. 单词解释


5. 派生词


- defection:背叛行为

- defector:背叛者

- defective:有缺陷的,不完美的

6. 用法提示


7. 同音词


- detected:发现,察觉

- deflected:偏转,转移方向

- defected:缺陷的,有瑕疵的

8. 引申意义



1. defected的意思是“叛逃”,指某人离开原本所属的团体或组织。

例句:The soldier defected to the enemy's side during the war.(这名士兵在战争期间叛逃到敌方。)

2. defected的同义词包括deserted、abandoned、forsaken等,都可以表示“离开”或“背叛”的意思。

例句:She felt abandoned and alone after her friends all defected to different colleges.(她的朋友们都去了不同的大学,让她感到被抛弃和孤单。)

3. 在口语中,defected也可以用作形容词,意为“有缺陷的”或“有问题的”。

例句:The new phone I bought is already defected, it keeps freezing and shutting down.(我买的新手机已经有缺陷了,老是卡顿和自动关机。)

4. 另外,在政治上,defected也可以指某政党成员离开原本所属的政党加入其他政党。

例句:Several members of the ruling party defected to the opposition, causing a major shift in political power.(几名执政党成员叛逃到反对党,导致政治权力发生重大转变。)


1. Renounced - 拒绝,放弃

例句:He renounced his allegiance to the king and defected to the enemy's side.

2. Deserted - 背叛,遗弃

例句:Many soldiers deserted their posts and defected to the enemy's camp.

3. Betrayed - 背叛,出卖

例句:The spy betrayed his country and defected to the opposing side.

4. Abandoned - 抛弃,离弃

例句:She abandoned her family and defected to a new life in another country.

5. Forsaken - 被抛弃的,被遗忘的

例句:The defected soldier felt forsaken by his comrades who stayed loyal to their country.

6. Turned traitor - 变节者,背信弃义的人

例句:He was labeled as a turned traitor after he defected from his homeland.

7. Rebelled - 反抗,造反

例句:The group of rebels defected from the government and formed their own independent faction.

8. Revolted - 反抗,起义

例句:The citizens revolted against their corrupt leader and many of them defected to the rebel army.

9. Dissented - 不同意,持异议

例句:He dissented from his political party's views and eventually defected to a different party.

10. Abjured - 发誓放弃,背信弃义

例句:She abjured her loyalty to her country and defected to a neighboring nation for personal gain


1. Defect:缺陷,毛病,缺点

例句:The car had a defect in the engine which caused it to break down frequently.

2. Defection:背叛,叛逃

例句:His defection to the rival team shocked his fans and teammates.

3. Defector:叛逃者,背叛者

例句:The country's most wanted defector was finally captured by the authorities.

4. Defective:有缺陷的,有毛病的

例句:The company recalled all the defective products from the market.

5. Imperfect:不完美的,有缺陷的

例句:Her painting was beautiful but still imperfect in some areas.

6. Flawed:有缺陷的,有瑕疵的

例句:The plan was flawed from the beginning, causing it to fail miserably.

7. Faulty:有错误的,不可靠的

例句:The faulty wiring caused a fire in the building.

8. Blemish:瑕疵,污点

例句:Despite her beauty, she had a small blemish on her cheek that she was self-conscious about.

9. Error-prone:易出错的,容易出现问题的

例句: His job required him to be very careful as he worked with error-prone machinery.

10. Unsound: 不健全的,不可靠的

例句: The company's financial situation was unsound and eventually led to its bankruptcy.

11. Inadequate: 不充分的,不足够的

例句: The training provided by the company was inadequate, causing many employees to struggle with their tasks.

12. Deficient: 缺乏的,不足的

例句: The team's performance was deficient due to the absence of their star player.

13. Lacking: 缺乏的,不足的

例句: The report was lacking in details and failed to provide a clear understanding of the situation.

14. Imperfection: 不完美,缺陷

例句: We must learn to accept our imperfections and embrace our uniqueness.

15. Malfunction: 故障,失灵

例句: The malfunction of the machine caused a delay in production
