

1. deal的含义:deal是指一项交易或协议,通常指商业交易,也可以指个人之间的交易。


2. deal的读音:[diːl],发音类似于“迪尔”。

3. deal的同义词:transaction, agreement, bargain, negotiation.

4. deal的例句:

- I made a great deal on this car, it was half the price of a new one!

- Let's make a deal, I'll give you my old phone and you give me your new one.

- The two companies reached a deal to merge and create a larger corporation.

- We need to negotiate a better deal with our suppliers to reduce costs


1. deal的意思是“交易”或“处理”,是一个常用的动词,也可以作为名词使用。

例句:He made a good deal when he bought that car.(他买那辆车时做了一笔好交易。)

2. deal的同义词包括:transaction, bargain, trade, agreement等。

例句:They reached a deal to exchange goods.(他们达成了一项货物交换协议。)

3. deal也可以表示“与…打交道”或“涉及”,常用于搭配词组中。

例句:I don't want to deal with dishonest people.(我不想和不诚实的人打交道。)

4. 除了作为动词,deal还可以作为名词,表示“协议”、“交易”或“待遇”等含义。

例句:The two companies made a lucrative deal.(这两家公司达成了一笔有利可图的交易。)

5. 在商业用语中,deal也可以指“特价商品”或“优惠促销活动”,常用于购物场景中。

例句:I got a great deal on this jacket during the sale.(我在打折期间买到了这件夹克衫,价格很优惠。)

6. 另外,deal还可以指代“任务”、“事情”等含义,在口语中比较常见。

例句:I have a lot of deals to take care of today.(今天我有很多事情要处理。)

7. deal也可以表示“分配”或“分发”,常用于描述资源、任务等的分配情况。

例句:The teacher dealt out the assignments to the students.(老师把作业分发给学生们。)

8. 在扑克牌游戏中,deal指的是“发牌”的动作。

例句:The dealer will deal five cards to each player.(庄家会给每个玩家发五张牌。)

9. 最后,deal还可以作为俚语,表示“应付”、“处理”或“应对”的意思。

例句:I'll deal with this problem later.(我稍后会处理这个问题。)


1. deal的词性:


2. deal的词源:


3. deal的同义词:

transaction, agreement, negotiation, bargain, arrangement

4. deal的例句:

- I struck a good deal on this car.


- They made a deal to share the profits.


- Let's make a deal and split the cost.



1. 意思

- deal的基本意思是“处理”、“交易”,指在商业活动中进行买卖、谈判等。例如:I need to deal with this issue as soon as possible.(我需要尽快处理这个问题。)

- 在口语中,deal也可以用来表示“事情”、“事务”,相当于thing或matter。例如:What's the deal with the broken window?(这个破窗户怎么回事?)

2. 发音

- deal的发音为/diːl/,读作[di:l],重音在第一个音节上。

3. 同义词

- handle:与deal同义,表示“处理”、“应付”。例如:He knows how to handle difficult customers.(他知道如何应付难缠的顾客。)

- manage:也可与deal互换使用,表示“管理”、“掌控”。例如:I'm not sure if I can manage this project alone.(我不确定我能否独自管理这个项目。)

- negotiate:指谈判、协商,与deal有时可以互换使用。例如:We need to negotiate a better price for this product.(我们需要为这个产品谈判一个更好的价格。)

4. 例句

- The company is currently in talks to finalize the deal with their potential partner.


- He always manages to get a good deal when buying cars.


- Can you handle the deal with our biggest client on your own?


- The two sides have been negotiating the terms of the deal for weeks.



1. Make a deal: 达成协议,达成交易

例句:We finally made a deal after hours of negotiation.

2. Close a deal: 完成交易,达成协议

例句:He is known for his ability to close a deal quickly.

3. Deal with: 处理,应对

例句:I'll deal with the situation as soon as possible.

4. Good/bad deal: 好/坏的交易

例句:I got a good deal on this car.

5. Big/small deal: 大/小事情

例句:Don't make it such a big deal, it's just a small mistake.

6. No big deal: 没什么大不了的事情

例句:It's no big deal, we can fix it easily.

7. Deal breaker: 致命伤,导致交易失败的因素

例句:The high price was a deal breaker for me.

8. Deal in (something): 从事某项业务或活动

例句:He deals in real estate and makes a lot of money.

9. Raw deal: 不公平待遇

例句:She felt like she got a raw deal in the company.

10. Big deals: 重要事件,重大交易

例句:The CEO is always busy with big deals and meetings


1. deal的意思是什么?


2. deal的发音是怎么样的?


3. deal的同义词有哪些?

deal的同义词包括:transaction, agreement, arrangement, bargain, negotiation等。

4. 例句:

- I got a great deal on this car.


- We need to make a deal that benefits both parties.


- She knows how to deal with difficult customers.



在美式英语中,deal一词的发音有着明显的差异,让人不禁想起那句经典的台词“what's the deal?”。下面就让我们来一起探究一下deal在美式英语中的发音吧!

1. deal的意思是什么?

首先,我们来回顾一下deal的意思。作为动词,deal可以表示“处理”、“交易”、“分配”等含义。例如,“I will deal with this issue tomorrow.”(我明天会处理这个问题。)作为名词,deal则可以指“交易”、“协议”等。例如,“They made a great deal on the car.”(他们在这辆车上做了笔很划算的交易。)

2. deal怎么读?


3. deal同义词及例句

除了deal本身以外,在美式英语中还有一些与之意思相近的词汇,并且它们的发音也有着一定的差异。比如,deal的同义词之一是transaction,它的发音为/trænˈzækʃən/。例如,“The transaction was completed smoothly.”(这笔交易进行得很顺利。)另外,deal还可以用作动词时,其同义词可以是handle或者manage,它们的发音分别为/ˈhændl/和/ˈmænɪdʒ/。例如,“She can handle/manage the pressure.”(她能够应对压力。)




1. deal的基本发音


2. deal的变体发音


3. deal同义词及例句


- The two companies reached a deal after months of negotiations.


- I got a great deal on this car, it was almost half off!


4. deal的谐音

- What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.



1. Transaction - 交易,指双方之间的商业往来或交易。

例句:I made a deal with the store owner to buy the antique vase for a discounted price.

2. Agreement - 协议,指双方达成的共识或约定。

例句:After much negotiation, we finally reached an agreement on the terms of the deal.

3. Bargain - 讨价还价,指为了获得更好的价格而进行的谈判。

例句:She was able to bargain with the car salesman and get a great deal on her new car.

4. Contract - 合同,指双方签署的具有法律效力的文件。

例句:Before starting the project, we signed a contract to ensure that both parties were clear on the terms of the deal.

5. Trade - 贸易,指国与国之间或个人之间进行的物品或服务交换。

例句:The two countries have been engaged in trade for centuries, benefiting both economies.

6. Pact - 协定,指经过商议后达成的正式协议。

例句:The two leaders signed a pact to promote peace and cooperation between their countries.

7. Arrangement - 安排,指为达成某项目标而做出的安排或计划。

例句:We have made arrangements with our suppliers to ensure timely delivery of goods for this deal.

8. Settlement - 解决,指解决争议或问题所达成的协议。

例句:After months of negotiations, they were finally able to reach a settlement that satisfied both parties.

9. Exchange - 交换,指双方互相交换物品或服务。

例句:The two companies agreed to an exchange of goods, which would benefit both parties.

10. Accord - 一致,指双方达成的共识或意见一致。

例句:There was a general accord between the two parties on the terms of the deal


1. 同义词"transaction"的使用示例:

- This deal was a profitable transaction for both parties involved.


- The company is looking to make more transactions in the coming year.


2. 同义词"bargain"的使用示例:

- We managed to strike a great deal on this car.


- The two sides finally reached a bargain after several rounds of negotiations.


3. 同义词"agreement"的使用示例:

- We have come to an agreement on the terms of the deal.


- The two countries signed a trade agreement to boost economic cooperation.


4. 同义词"pact"的使用示例:

- The two leaders signed a peace pact to end the long-standing conflict between their countries.


- The business partners made a pact to always support each other's ventures.


5. 同义词"arrangement"的使用示例:

- The deal was made under a special arrangement between the two companies.


- The new arrangement will benefit both parties involved in the deal.

