

1. 含义:contested是一个动词,意为“争夺”、“竞争”、“反对”、“质疑”。它可以指具体的比赛或竞争,也可以指观点、想法等的冲突。


2. 解释:contested常用于描述两方或多方之间的争议或冲突,表明双方都有不同的观点或利益。它也可以用来表示对某件事物的质疑或挑战。

3. 同义词:compete, challenge, dispute, oppose

4. 例句:

- The two teams are currently contesting for the championship title.


- The election results were contested by the losing party.


- Her decision to quit her job was strongly contested by her family.


- The authenticity of the painting is being contested by art experts.



1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词

- Disputed:意为“有争议的”,是contested的同义词。例如:“The ownership of the land is disputed.”(这块土地的所有权有争议。)

- Challenged:意为“受到质疑的”,也是contested的同义词。例如:“The results of the election were challenged by the opposition party.”(选举结果受到了反对党的质疑。)

- Controversial:意为“有争议的”,也可以用来表示contested。例如:“The controversial issue of gun control has sparked debates across the country.”(枪支管制这一有争议的问题在全国引发了辩论。)

3. 例句

- The election was hotly contested by two candidates, with both claiming victory.


- The ownership of the company is being contested by two business partners.


- The decision to build a new highway has been contested by environmental groups.


- The court case was fiercely contested by the prosecution and the defense.


- The artist's controversial painting was heavily contested by critics, but praised by the public.



1. Contested的意思


2. Contested的发音


3. Contested的同义词

- Disputed:意为“有争议的”、“有异议的”,也可以表示“被质疑的”。

- Controversial:意为“有争议的”、“引起争论的”,也可以表示“具有争议性的”。

4. Contested的例句

- The election results were contested by the losing candidate.


- The ownership of the land is still being contested by two neighboring countries.


- This book is highly contested among literary critics.


5. Contested作为过去分词时



- The contested territory was finally divided between the two countries.


- The contested will of the deceased caused a lot of legal disputes among the family members.


6. Contested作为现在分词时



- The contested election is causing a lot of tension in the country.


- The contested land deal has been under investigation for months now.


7. Contested作为动词时



- She is going to contest in the upcoming marathon.


- The two teams are contesting for the championship title.


8. Contested与其他单词搭配

- Contested election:有争议的选举

- Contested territory:有争议的领土

- Contested will:有争议的遗嘱

- Contested land deal:有争议的土地交易

- Hotly contested:激烈争夺的



1. Disputed:争议的,有争议的。

例句:The ownership of the land is disputed between the two families.


2. Controversial:有争议的,引起争论的。

例句:The new policy has been highly controversial among the citizens.


3. Challenged:受到挑战的,有异议的。

例句:The decision was challenged by several members of the committee.


4. Disputed:有分歧的,存在异议的。

例句:There are disputed opinions on how to solve this problem.


5. Contentious:有争议性的,引起争论的。

例句:The issue of gun control is highly contentious in our society.



1. Disputed: 有争议的,与contested意思相同,可以用来替换。

例句:The ownership of the land is disputed between the two families. (这片土地的所有权在两个家族之间有争议。)

2. Contention: 争论,也可以指争夺。

例句:There was a lot of contention over who should be the leader of the group. (团队领导人的位置引起了很多争议。)

3. Contest: 比赛,竞赛,也可以指竞选或争夺。

例句:She entered the writing contest and won first place. (她参加了写作比赛,并获得了第一名。)

4. Challenge: 挑战,也可以指质疑或反对。

例句:The new policy has been met with a lot of challenges from the public. (新政策遭到了公众的很多质疑。)

5. Dispute: 争端,也可以指辩论或反驳。

例句:The two countries have been in a long-standing dispute over their borders. (这两个国家一直在就边界问题存在长期的争端。)

6. Rivalry: 竞争,对抗,也可以指竞赛或比赛。

例句:There is a fierce rivalry between the two companies in the market. (这两家公司在市场上存在激烈的竞争关系。)

7. Battle: 战斗,也可以指争论或竞争。

例句:The two politicians engaged in a heated battle during the debate. (两位政治家在辩论中展开了激烈的争论。)

8. Disagreement: 分歧,意见不一致,也可以指争议或反对。

例句:There is a disagreement among the members of the committee about the best course of action. (委员会成员就最佳行动方案存在分歧。)

9. Struggle: 斗争,奋斗,也可以指竞争或抗衡。

例句:The company is struggling to stay afloat in the competitive market. (公司在竞争激烈的市场中苦苦挣扎。)

10. Dispute resolution: 争端解决,也可以指解决分歧的方法。

例句:The company has a dispute resolution team to handle any conflicts between employees. (公司有一个专门处理员工间冲突的争端解决团队。)
