

The meaning of "congress"


1. “congress”的基本含义

首先,让我们来看看“congress”的基本含义。它可以作为一个名词,表示“会议”或“大会”。比如,我们可以说:“The congress was held in a large convention center.”(大会在一个大型会议中心举行。)除此之外,“congress”也可以作为动词使用,意为“开会”或“集合”。例如:“The delegates will congress tomorrow to discuss the new policies.”(代表们将于明天集合讨论新政策。)

2. “congress”的同义词


3. “congress”的发音


4. “congress”的例句

- The annual congress of the American Psychological Association will be held in Chicago next month.(美国心理学会的年度大会将于下个月在芝加哥举行。)

- The United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was held in Kyoto, Japan this year.(联合国犯罪预防和刑事司法大会今年在日本京都举行。)

- The company's executives will congress to discuss the future direction of the business.(公司的高管们将集合讨论业务的未来方向。)

How to pronounce "congress"

1. What is "congress"?

2. How to pronounce "congress"?

3. Synonyms for "congress"

4. Examples of using "congress"

1. What is "congress"?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "congress" can refer to a formal meeting or assembly of representatives, such as a legislative body or a conference. It can also refer to the act of coming together or the state of being in session.

2. How to pronounce "congress"?

The word "congress" is pronounced as /ˈkɒŋɡrəs/ with the stress on the first syllable and a silent "g". The phonetic transcription is [KON-gruhs].

3. Synonyms for "congress"

Some synonyms for "congress" include:

- Assembly: a group of people gathered together for a specific purpose

- Convention: a large meeting or conference, often held by an organization or group

- Conference: a formal meeting for discussion and exchange of views

- Gathering: an assembly of people, often for social purposes

4. Examples of using "congress"

- The annual congress of the American Medical Association will be held next month.

- The president addressed Congress on the current state of affairs.

- The international congress on climate change was attended by delegates from over 100 countries.

- The political party held its national congress to elect new leaders.

- After much deliberation, the two countries finally reached an agreement at the peace congress.

In conclusion, "congress" refers to a formal meeting or assembly and is pronounced as /ˈkɒŋɡrəs/. Some synonyms include assembly, convention, conference, and gathering. It can be used in various contexts such as politics, medicine, and diplomacy

Usage and examples of "congress"

1. What does "congress" mean?

- "Congress" refers to a formal meeting or assembly of representatives from different groups or organizations, often for the purpose of discussing and deciding on important matters.

2. How to pronounce "congress"?

- The correct pronunciation of "congress" is KON-gres.

3. Synonyms for "congress"

- Some synonyms for "congress" include conference, convention, gathering, symposium, and summit.

4. Examples of using "congress"

- The annual congress of the World Health Organization was held in Geneva last week.

- The political party's congress was attended by delegates from all over the country.

- The congress on climate change brought together experts and policymakers to discuss solutions.

- The company's congress was an opportunity for employees to voice their opinions and suggestions for improvement.

- The international education congress will be held in Paris next month

Phrases with "congress"

1. "In Congress": 在国会中,指代美国国会

例句:The bill was debated in Congress for months before it was passed.

2. "Congressional hearing": 国会听证会,指代国会委员会的公开听证会

例句:The CEO was summoned to a congressional hearing to testify about the company's practices.

3. "Congressional district": 国会选区,指代国会议员的选区

例句:The new redistricting plan has changed the boundaries of several congressional districts.

4. "Joint session of Congress": 国会联席会议,指代参众两院联合开的大型会议

例句:The president will address a joint session of Congress to propose his new economic plan.

5. "Congressional delegation": 国会代表团,指代由国会议员组成的访问团队

例句:A congressional delegation from the United States visited China to discuss trade relations.

6. "Congressional record": 国会记录,指代对国会活动进行记录和存档的文书

例句:The senator's speech was entered into the Congressional Record for future reference.

7. "Congressional medal": 国会奖章,指代由国会授予的荣誉奖章

例句:The soldier received a Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery in battle.

8. "Joint committee of Congress": 国会联合委员会,指参众两院共同组成的委员会

例句:A joint committee of Congress was formed to investigate the recent scandal involving government officials.

9. "Congressional budget office": 国会预算办公室,指国会的财政预算审查机构

例句:The Congressional Budget Office released its analysis of the proposed budget plan.

10. "Congressional leadership": 国会领导层,指代国会议员中的领导人

例句:The congressional leadership is responsible for setting the agenda and managing legislative affairs

Synonyms for "congress" with examples

1. Definition of "congress"

Congress is a noun that refers to a formal meeting or assembly of representatives, typically for the purpose of discussing and making decisions on important matters. It can also refer to a national legislative body, such as the United States Congress.

2. Synonyms for "congress"

- Conference: A conference is a formal meeting for discussion or exchange of information.

Example: The annual congress of linguistics attracts experts from all over the world.

- Convention: A convention is a large formal assembly or conference, often involving delegates from different organizations.

Example: The international trade convention was attended by representatives from over 50 countries.

- Summit: A summit is a high-level meeting between leaders or representatives of different countries or organizations.

Example: The economic summit was held to discuss strategies for global trade and development.

- Symposium: A symposium is a formal meeting where experts present and discuss their ideas on a specific topic.

Example: The medical symposium focused on advancements in cancer treatment.

- Convocation: A convocation is an assembly of people gathered for a specific purpose, often with an academic or religious connotation.

Example: The convocation of scholars discussed the future direction of research in the field.

3. Examples using "congress"

- The annual congress of the International Association for Translation and Interpretation was held in Paris this year.

- The United Nations General Assembly is considered one of the largest congresses in the world, with representatives from 193 member states.

- The World Health Organization called for an emergency congress to address the recent outbreak of a deadly virus.

- The political party's national congress will be held next month to elect new leaders and discuss party policies.

- The scientific congress brought together leading researchers and experts to share their latest findings and discoveries.

In conclusion, "congress" has various synonyms that can be used depending on the context. These include conference, convention, summit, symposium, and convocation. These terms all refer to a formal meeting or assembly of representatives for discussion and decision-making

Overall, "congress" is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses. Whether you are discussing a political assembly, a sexual encounter, or simply using it as a synonym for "meeting," this word can be applied in various contexts. As the editor of this website, I hope that this article has helped you better understand the meaning and usage of "congress." If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following me for more interesting and informative content. Thank you for your support!