






除了作为一个名词使用外,casting也可以作为动词,意为“投掷”、“抛弃”等。例如:“She was cast out of the group.”(她被团队抛弃了。)此外,casting还可以指“演员阵容”,例如:“The casting for this movie is perfect.”(这部电影的演员阵容非常完美。)


1. Casting的发音是[kæstɪŋ],其中的"t"发音为浊音,与单词"cast"的发音有所不同。

2. "Casting"是动词cast的现在分词形式,意为“投掷、抛弃、铸造”等。它也可以作为名词使用,表示“演员阵容、铸件、投掷物”等。

3. 同义词:throwing, flinging, hurling, tossing。

4. 例句:

- The director is currently casting for the lead role in his new film.


- The metal casting was made from a mold created by the artist.


- She was spotted casting stones into the river as a form of meditation.


5. 总结:Casting一词在英语中既可作为动词也可作为名词,其发音为[kæstɪŋ],意思包括“投掷、抛弃、铸造”等。同义词有throwing, flinging, hurling, tossing。以上是关于Casting的发音及相关内容介绍


1. Casting的意思是指“投掷,抛掷”,也可以指“选派,分配”。

例句:She cast her vote in the election. (她在选举中投了票。)

2. Casting也可以用作名词,表示“铸造,浇铸”的过程。

例句:The casting of metal is a complicated process. (金属的铸造是一个复杂的过程。)

3. 同义词包括throwing, tossing, hurling等。

例句:The children were tossing a ball back and forth in the park. (孩子们在公园里来回抛球。)

4. 在表演行业中,casting也可以指“选角,选角色”。

例句:The casting for the lead role in the play was highly competitive. (这部戏的主角选角竞争非常激烈。)

5. 除了作为动词和名词外,casting还可以作为形容词,表示“铸造的”或“投掷的”。

例句:The artist showed us his beautiful casting sculptures. (艺术家向我们展示了他精美的铸造雕塑作品。)


1. Molding - molding is a synonym for casting and refers to the process of shaping molten material into a specific form or shape.

Example: The artist used a molding technique to create the intricate details in the statue.

2. Founding - founding is another word for casting and specifically refers to the process of creating metal objects by pouring molten metal into a mold.

Example: The foundry workers were skilled in the art of founding and could create beautiful pieces of metalwork.

3. Forming - forming is a similar term to casting and describes the process of shaping or creating something using a mold or form.

Example: The potter used different techniques for forming clay vessels, including casting them in molds.

4. Pouring - pouring can be used as a synonym for casting, as it also involves pouring liquid material into a mold to create a desired shape.

Example: The molten metal was poured into the casting mold to create the final product.

5. Sculpting - sculpting can be considered a synonym for casting, as both involve shaping materials into specific forms or designs.

Example: The sculptor used traditional casting methods to create his bronze sculptures.

6. Modeling - modeling is another term that can be used interchangeably with casting, as it also involves shaping materials using molds or forms.

Example: The fashion designer used modeling techniques to create unique designs for her clothing line.

7. Crafting - crafting can refer to both making something by hand and using molds or forms to shape materials, making it an appropriate synonym for casting.

Example: The artisan spent hours crafting each piece, using both traditional techniques and modern casting methods.

8. Formulating - although not commonly associated with casting, formulating can be used as a synonym when describing the process of creating something using molds or forms.

Example: The chemist formulated a new type of resin that was perfect for use in casting molds.

9. Shaping - shaping is a broad term that can be used as a synonym for casting, as it encompasses the process of creating something using molds or forms.

Example: The artist spent months shaping the clay into a masterpiece before casting it in bronze.

10. Crafting - crafting can also be used as a synonym for casting when referring to the skill and artistry involved in creating something using molds or forms.

Example: The blacksmith was known for his exceptional crafting abilities, especially when it came to casting intricate metal designs


1. Casting是指“选角”,通常用于电影、电视剧等娱乐产业。例如:“The casting for the new superhero movie is underway.”(新超级英雄电影的选角正在进行中。)

2. Casting call是指“招募演员”,通常指为某部作品寻找合适的演员。例如:“The casting call for the new TV series attracted hundreds of aspiring actors.”(新电视剧的招募演员活动吸引了数百名有抱负的演员。)

3. Cast是casting的过去式和过去分词形式,也可以作为名词使用,意为“演员阵容”。例如:“The cast of the play includes some well-known actors.”(这部戏的演员阵容包括一些知名演员。)

4. Typecasting是指“定型”,通常用于描述某位演员经常扮演相似类型的角色。例如:“After playing the role of a villain in several movies, he was typecasted as a bad guy in Hollywood.”(在几部电影中扮演反派角色后,他被好莱坞定型为坏人。)

5. Casting couch是指“梦想成真的沙发”,通常指性骚扰或性交易在娱乐产业中普遍存在的现象。例如:“Many actresses have spoken out about their experiences with the casting couch in Hollywood.”(许多女演员公开谈论她们在好莱坞遇到的梦想成真的沙发现象。)

6. Casting director是指“选角导演”,负责挑选合适的演员出演某部作品。例如:“The casting director for the new movie is known for discovering talented newcomers.”(新电影的选角导演以发掘有才华的新人而闻名。)

7. Casting vote是指“决定性投票”,通常用于形容在投票结果平局时,某位重要人物所做出的决定性投票。例如:“The chairman of the board had to use his casting vote to break the tie between two candidates.”(董事会主席不得不使用他的决定性投票来打破两位候选人之间的平局。)

8. Typecasted是typecasting的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“被定型”。例如:“She felt typecasted as a dumb blonde after playing similar roles in multiple movies.”(在多部电影中扮演类似角色后,她感觉自己被定型为一个愚蠢的金发美女。)

9. Casting couch culture是指“梦想成真沙发文化”,通常用于描述娱乐产业中普遍存在的性骚扰和性交易问题。例如:“The #MeToo movement has shed light on the casting couch culture in Hollywood.”(#MeToo运动揭露了好莱坞的梦想成真沙发文化。)

10. Casting process是指“选角过程”,包括演员试镜、面试等环节。例如:“The casting process for the new play took several weeks to complete.”(新戏的选角过程花了几个星期才完成。)
