
What does butt mean?



1. 名词:屁股


- She fell and landed on her butt.


- The baby has a cute little butt.


2. 名词:烟头


- Please don't throw your cigarette butt on the ground.


- He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray, leaving behind a small butt.


3. 动词:用头撞击


- The goat butted the fence with its horns.


- The two men were arguing and then they started butting heads.


4. 同义词


5. 例句

- My butt hurts from sitting on this hard chair all day.


- He threw the ball and it hit me right in the butt.


- The dog was chasing its tail and ended up butting into the wall.



How to pronounce butt?

1. What does "butt" mean?

- "Butt" can be used as a noun or a verb, and it has several different meanings depending on the context. As a noun, it refers to the end or extremity of something, such as the rear end of a person or animal, the thicker end of a tool or weapon, or the bottom part of a cigarette. It can also be used as an informal term for someone's buttocks.

- As a verb, "butt" means to hit or push with one's head or horns, to join two things together by their ends, or to intrude rudely into someone else's business.

- In slang usage, "butt" can also refer to someone who is annoying or stupid.

2. How do you pronounce "butt"?

- The word "butt" is pronounced /bʌt/ in standard American English. This means that the vowel sound is similar to the word "but," but with a shorter duration. The final consonant sound is pronounced with a slight release of air from the lips.

3. Are there any synonyms for "butt"?

- Yes, there are several synonyms for "butt," depending on its meaning in context:

- For the rear end of someone's body: buttocks, bottom, backside, behind

- For the thicker end of an object: base, end, extremity

- For joining two things together: connect, join, attach

- For intruding rudely: interfere, meddle

4. Can you give some examples using "butt" in sentences?

- Sure! Here are some examples using different meanings of "butt":

- Noun (rear end): She fell on her butt when she slipped on the ice.

- Noun (thicker end): He used the butt of his rifle to break open the door.

- Noun (bottom part of a cigarette): He flicked the ash off his butt before taking another drag.

- Verb (to hit with head or horns): The ram butted its head against the fence.

- Verb (to join two things together): The carpenter used dowels to butt the two pieces of wood together.

- Verb (to intrude rudely): Please don't butt into our conversation like that!

- Slang (annoying person): My little brother can be such a butt sometimes.

In conclusion, "butt" is a versatile word with various meanings and uses. Its pronunciation is straightforward, and it has several synonyms depending on context. Hopefully, this article has helped clarify any confusion about the word "butt."

Examples and usage of butt

1. Meaning of "butt"

- "Butt" can be used as a noun or a verb.

- As a noun, it refers to the end or extremity of something, usually used in reference to the human body.

Example: She sat on the butt of her skateboard and waited for her friends.

2. How to pronounce "butt"

- The word "butt" is pronounced as /bʌt/.

- The "u" sound is short and the emphasis is on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for "butt"

- Rear end

- Backside

- Behind

- Bum

- Buttocks

4. Examples of usage for "butt"

Example 1: I accidentally bumped into the butt of the car in front of me.

Explanation: In this sentence, "butt" refers to the back end or rear end of the car.

Example 2: He always sits on his butt all day and doesn't do anything productive.

Explanation: Here, "butt" is used to describe someone's lazy behavior.

Example 3: The dog wagged its tail against my leg with its butt facing me.

Explanation: In this sentence, "butt" refers to the animal's hindquarters or backside.

Example 4: She was so angry that she kicked him in the butt.

Explanation: Here, "butt" is used as a slang term for someone's buttocks or bottom.

5. Additional notes

- The word "butt" can also be used figuratively to mean something that is unpleasant or undesirable.

Example: I have to deal with this project, but it's such a pain in the butt.

Explanation: In this context, "pain in the butt" means something that causes inconvenience or annoyance.

Overall, "butt" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts related to body parts, actions, and emotions. Its usage can range from casual to formal, so it's important to understand the context before using it in a conversation or writing

Phrases with butt

1. Butt in - 介入,干涉

例句:She always likes to butt in on other people's conversations.


2. Butt out - 不干涉,不参与

例句:I wish my parents would butt out of my personal life.


3. Butt heads - 意见不合,发生冲突

例句:The two leaders constantly butt heads on important issues.


4. Butt of a joke - 笑柄,被取笑的对象

例句:He always felt like the butt of a joke among his friends.


5. Kick butt - 表现出色,做得很好

例句:She really kicked butt in her performance last night.


6. Butt out of someone's business - 不要管某人的事情

例句:I wish you would just butt out of my business and let me handle it myself.


7. Headbutt - 用头顶撞击

例句:The angry man headbutted the door in frustration.


8. Cigarette butt - 香烟烟蒂

例句:Please don't throw your cigarette butts on the ground, it's littering.


9. Butt-end - (球类运动中)球杆的尾部

例句:He hit the ball with the butt-end of his hockey stick.


10. Buttress - 支持,支撑

例句:The new evidence buttresses the prosecutor's case against the suspect.


Synonyms of butt and example sentences

1. Synonyms of butt

- Bottom

- Rear end

- Backside

- Rump

- Derriere

2. Example sentences:

- She fell on her butt while ice skating.

- He always has a cigarette hanging from his butt.

- The dog wagged its tail and sniffed the other dog's butt.

- She has a big butt, but she's still beautiful.

- He sat on the edge of the cliff with his legs hanging over the butt.

3. Synonyms of how to read "butt"

- bʌt (phonetic transcription)

- buht (pronunciation)

4. Example sentences:

- How do you pronounce "butt"?

- The word "butt" is spelled with two t's.

- I have trouble pronouncing words that start with a "b".

- Can you say "butt" again? I didn't hear it clearly.

- He has a strong accent, but he still says "butt" correctly.

5. Synonyms of butt:

- Cigarette end

- Ashes

- Remains

- Stub

6. Example sentences:

- Don't throw your cigarette butt on the ground, it's littering.

- She flicked her cigarette and the ashes landed on my shoe.

- The remains of the fire were still smoldering in the morning.

- He picked up the stub and threw it in the trash.

7. Synonyms of how to read "butt":

- bət (phonetic transcription)

- buht (pronunciation)

8. Example sentences:

- Can you tell me how to read this word?

- The word "butt" is pronounced differently in British English and American English.

- I always have trouble with words that have an unusual pronunciation.

- Please repeat after me, "buht".

- His accent makes it difficult for him to pronounce certain words, like "butt".

In conclusion, "butt" is a slang term that refers to the bottom or backside of a person or animal. It can also refer to the end of a cigarette or other object. The pronunciation and spelling of "butt" may vary depending on regional dialects

butt是一个多义词,可以表示身体的一部分,也可以表示某种动作或行为。它的发音也有多种变化,但最常见的是/bʌt/。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到butt这个词,比如“kick someone's butt”(打某人屁股)、“butt in line”(插队)等等。除此之外,butt还有许多同义词,比如rear、backside、derriere等,在不同场合可以替换使用。希望通过本文的介绍,读者能够更加深入地了解和掌握这个词的用法。最后,我是网站的编辑小李,在接下来的文章中,我将继续为大家带来更多有趣且实用的内容,请大家关注我哦!