








- The buildup of troops along the border has caused tension between the two countries.


- The company's recent buildup in sales has caught the attention of its competitors.


- The construction of the new building is expected to be completed within a year.



1. buildup的发音


2. buildup的词性及词义解释


3. buildup的同义词

- Accumulation:积累、堆积

- Growth:增长、发展

- Increase:增加、提高

4. buildup的例句

- The buildup of trash in the streets has become a major problem in this city.


- The buildup of tension between the two countries could lead to a war.


- Regular exercise can help with the buildup of muscle mass.


5. 各种场景下使用buildup

- 在工程领域,buildup通常指建筑物或结构物的逐渐建造过程。

- 在经济学中,buildup可以指一种经济现象,即某种资源或资产在一段时间内逐渐增加。

- 在医学领域,buildup可以指某种疾病的慢性发展过程。

- 在军事领域,buildup可以指军队和武器装备的逐步增强。

- 在心理学中,buildup可以指某种情绪或压力的积累过程。



1. buildup的意思


2. buildup的发音


3. buildup的同义词

- Accumulation:积累、堆积、聚集

- Increase:增加、增长、扩大

- Growth:生长、增长、发展

- Development:发展、进步、演变

4. buildup的例句及翻译

1) The buildup of tension in the room was almost palpable.


2) The company's marketing strategy focuses on the buildup of brand awareness.


3) The military is concerned about the buildup of troops along the border.


4) The city experienced a rapid buildup of skyscrapers in recent years.


5) The buildup of pollution in the river has caused serious environmental problems.


6) The team's success can be attributed to the buildup of strong teamwork and communication.


5. buildup在双语例句中的用法

- The buildup of troops along the border has sparked concerns about a potential conflict. (边境地区部队的增加引发了对潜在冲突的担忧。)

- The company's marketing campaign focused on the gradual buildup of brand recognition through social media. (该公司的营销活动侧重于通过社交媒体逐步提升品牌知名度。)

- After years of hard work and dedication, the athlete finally achieved a buildup of strength and endurance. (经过多年的努力和奉献,这位运动员终于达到了力量和耐力上的积累。)

- The buildup of tension between the two countries led to a series of diplomatic negotiations. (两国之间紧张气氛的增加导致了一系列外交谈判。)

- The gradual buildup of trust between the two leaders paved the way for successful peace talks. (两位领导人之间逐步增加的信任为成功的和平谈判铺平了道路。)


1. build up:逐渐增强,积累

例句:The tension between the two countries has been building up for months.(两国之间的紧张局势已经持续数月)

同义词:accumulate, strengthen, intensify

2. buildup of: ...的逐渐增加/积累

例句:The buildup of troops along the border is causing concern among neighboring countries.(沿着边境的军队增加引起了周边国家的担忧)

3. buildup to: ...前的准备/筹备

例句:The team's training program was a long buildup to the championship game.(球队的训练计划是为冠军赛做出的长时间准备)

4. emotional buildup: 情绪积压

例句:He had been holding in his emotions for so long that it resulted in an emotional buildup that eventually exploded in a fit of anger.(他抑制情绪太久,最终导致情绪爆发,发泄出愤怒)

5. muscle buildup: 肌肉增长/增强

例句:He has been lifting weights regularly to achieve a muscle buildup for his upcoming bodybuilding competition.(他一直定期举重,为即将到来的健美比赛增强肌肉)

6. plaque buildup: 斑块堆积

例句:Poor dental hygiene can lead to plaque buildup and eventually tooth decay.(不良的口腔卫生习惯会导致斑块堆积,最终导致牙齿蛀牙)

7. buildup of tension: 紧张局势的增加

例句:The buildup of tension between the two sides could potentially lead to a war.(双方紧张局势的增加可能最终导致战争)

8. buildup of mucus: 粘液堆积

例句:Smoking can cause a buildup of mucus in the lungs, leading to respiratory problems.(吸烟会导致肺部粘液堆积,引发呼吸问题)

9. plaque buildup in arteries: 动脉斑块堆积

例句:A diet high in cholesterol can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease.(高胆固醇饮食会促进动脉斑块堆积,增加患心脏病的风险)

10. build up one's self-confidence: 增强自信心

例句:Through positive self-talk and setting achievable goals, she was able to build up her self-confidence and overcome her fears.(通过积极的自我对话和设定可实现的目标,她成功地增强了自信心,克服了内心恐惧)


1. Accumulation - 积累

例句:There has been a buildup of trash in the streets due to the garbage strike.

2. Growth - 增长

例句:The buildup of bacteria in the petri dish was evident after 24 hours.

3. Increase - 增加

例句:The buildup of tension between the two countries led to a war.

4. Expansion - 扩大

例句:The company's rapid expansion led to a buildup of new offices across the country.

5. Development - 发展

例句:The buildup of new technology has revolutionized the way we communicate.

6. Piling up - 堆积

例句:The heavy snowfall resulted in a buildup of snow on the roads, causing traffic delays.

7. Amassment - 积聚

例句:The builder's years of hard work resulted in a significant buildup of wealth.

8. Accretion - 增加

例句:The gradual accretion of sediment formed layers upon layers of rock over millions of years.

9. Aggregation - 聚集

例句:The buildup of protesters outside the government building demanded immediate action from officials.

10. Enlargement - 扩大

例句:The enlargement of the company's product line led to a significant buildup in sales and profits
