

1. bottles的发音是/bɒt(ə)lz/,其中“o”发音为短元音,重音在第一个音节。


2. bottles的同义词包括jars、flasks、containers等。

3. 例句:“Please pass me the bottles of water.”(请把水瓶递给我。)

4. bottles是指一种容器,通常用来装载液体或其他物质。它可以是玻璃、塑料或金属制成,具有圆柱形状和窄长的颈部,有时也带有盖子或塞子。

5. bottles这个词源于古英语“bottel”,意为“皮袋”,后来演变为指装酒的容器。

6. 在美国英语中,bottles也可以用作动词,意为“把…装入瓶中”。

7. 在英国英语中,bottles还可以用作俚语,意为“勇气”或“冷静”。

8. 在澳大利亚和新西兰英语中,bottles也可以指男性乳房。

9. bottles这个词在不同国家和地区可能有不同的发音,在美国常被读作/bɑːt(ə)lz/。

10. 总的来说,bottles是一个常见且多功能的词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到,正确的发音和理解其含义可以帮助我们更好地使用它



1. bottles的含义


2. bottles的同义词


3. bottles怎么读


4. bottles在句子中的用法

除了作为名词使用之外,bottles也可以作为动词使用。比如,“to bottle up”表示“压抑、控制”,而“to bottle out”则表示“退缩、畏缩”。

5. 例句欣赏


- I need to buy some bottles of water for the trip.


- The scientist bottled up his emotions and focused on his research.


- She wanted to speak up, but she bottled out at the last minute.



1. bottles的意思是什么?


2. bottles怎么读?


3. bottles的同义词有哪些?


4. bottles用法示例

1) I bought a set of glass bottles to store my homemade wine.


2) The factory produces thousands of plastic bottles every day.


3) She bottled the jam and sealed the jars tightly.


4) He bottled his emotions and refused to show any sign of weakness.


5. 双语例句

1) These colorful bottles are perfect for decorating your home.


2) Please recycle your plastic bottles to help protect the environment.


3) The shop sells a variety of bottles, from small vials to large containers.


4) The wine was bottled and labeled in France, but it's actually made in Italy.




1. Bottle up:抑制,压抑

例句:She tends to bottle up her feelings instead of expressing them.

2. Bottle out:退缩,畏缩

例句:He was afraid of the consequences and decided to bottle out.

3. Bottle bank:玻璃瓶回收箱

例句:Please recycle your empty bottles in the bottle bank.

4. Bottle opener:开瓶器

例句:Do you have a bottle opener? I can't open this beer.

5. Bottle-fed:喂奶的,用奶瓶喂养的

例句:The baby was bottle-fed because his mother couldn't breastfeed.

6. Empty bottles:空瓶子

例句:We need to collect all the empty bottles before recycling them.

7. Message in a bottle:漂流瓶中的信件,暗号信

例句:The castaway wrote a message in a bottle, hoping someone would find it and rescue him.

8. Water bottle:水壶,水瓶

例句:Make sure you bring a water bottle with you on the hike.

9. Baby bottle:奶瓶,婴儿奶嘴

例句: The baby refused to drink from the new baby bottle, so we had to switch back to the old one.

10. Perfume bottle: 香水瓶子

例句: She has a collection of beautiful perfume bottles on her dresser.

11. Medicine bottle: 药水瓶子

例句: Be sure to read the instructions on the medicine bottle before taking any pills.

12. Wine bottles: 酒瓶

例句: The waiter brought us a wine bottle and two glasses for our anniversary dinner.

13. Squeeze bottle: 压力瓶,挤压式瓶子

例句: The ketchup comes in a squeeze bottle, making it easier to use.

14. Spray bottle: 喷雾瓶

例句: She uses a spray bottle to water her plants every morning.

15. Plastic bottles: 塑料瓶子

例句: We need to reduce our use of plastic bottles to help protect the environment.

16. Glass bottles: 玻璃瓶子

例句: The glass bottles make a beautiful sound when clinking together.

17. Milk bottle: 牛奶瓶,奶罐

例句: The milkman delivered fresh milk every morning in glass milk bottles.

18. Baby's feeding bottle:婴儿喂养用的奶瓶

例句:She forgot to pack the baby's feeding bottle, so we had to stop at the store on our way home.

19. Soda bottle:汽水瓶,苏打水瓶

例句:I prefer soda from a glass bottle rather than a can.

20. Bottle gourd:葫芦,脆皮南瓜

例句:The farmer grew some huge bottle gourds in his garden this year


1. Bottles的同义词为"flasks",意为瓶子、瓶罐。例如:"She filled the flasks with water for their camping trip."(她为他们的野营旅行装满了水瓶。)

2. 另一个同义词是"jars",意为罐子、广口瓶。例如:"The jars of honey were neatly arranged on the shelves."(蜂蜜罐子整齐地摆放在货架上。)

3. "vials"也可作为"Bottles"的同义词,意为小瓶、小药瓶。例如:"The scientist carefully measured out the liquid into vials for the experiment."(科学家将液体仔细地量出来,装入小药瓶用于实验。)

4. "containers"也可以表示"Bottles",意为容器、储物器皿。例如:"The containers were labeled with different colors for easy identification."(容器用不同颜色标记以便于辨认。)

5. "cans"也是"Bottles"的一个同义词,意为罐头、罐子。例如:"He opened a few cans of beer and passed them around to his friends."(他打开几听啤酒并分给了朋友们。)

6. "tins"也可以用来指代"Bottles",意为罐子、锡盒。例如:"The tins of soup were stacked neatly in the pantry."(罐装汤整齐地堆放在食品储藏室。)

7. "flasks"也是"Bottles"的同义词,意为烧瓶、细颈瓶。例如:"The chemist used a flask to mix the chemicals together."(化学家用烧瓶将化学品混合在一起。)

8. "ampoules"也可以表示"Bottles",意为安瓿、小型药水注射器。例如:"The nurse carefully broke open the ampoule and prepared the injection for the patient."(护士小心地打开安瓿,为患者准备注射液。)

9. "bubbles"也是"Bottles"的一个同义词,意为气泡、汽水。例如:"The children loved to blow bubbles with their bubble wands."(孩子们喜欢用泡泡棒吹汽水泡。)

10. 最后一个同义词是"phials",意为小药瓶、小玻璃容器。例如:"The phials of perfume were delicately packaged in a gift set."(香水小药瓶被精美地包装成礼盒。)
