


1. 首先,我们需要注意的是,autocratic这个单词的重音在第三个音节上,也就是“crat”上面。所以记住要把重音放在这个音节上哦。


2. 接下来,我们来分解一下这个单词的发音。首先,读出“au”,这个音可以类比于英语中的“ow”的发音,也就是嘴巴微微张开,舌头放平轻轻吐气的感觉。

3. 然后读出“to”,这个部分和英语中的“to”发音一样,嘴巴张开稍微大一点点就可以了。

4. 最后读出“crat”,这里需要注意的是,“cr”并不是两个分开读的音,而是类似于汉语拼音中的“ch”的发音。所以要把舌头放在牙齿后面,然后快速把它往外推出去。

5. 综合起来就是,“autocratic”的发音应该是[aʊtəˈkrætɪk]。你可以多练习几次,相信很快就能掌握啦!




1. autocratic的定义


2. autocratic与其他相关词汇


3. autocratic在当今社会


4. 举例说明

比如,在某些国家,政府领导人通过控制媒体和镇压异见者来维持其权力,被视为autocratic。而在企业组织中,某些高管可能也会采取类似的方式来管理下属,被称为autocratic leader(独裁式领导者)


1. autocratic的含义


2. autocratic的用法


- The country is ruled by an autocratic government. (这个国家由一个独裁政府统治。)

- The CEO is known for his autocratic management style. (这位CEO以他的独裁管理风格而闻名。)

3. autocratic的同义词


4. autocratic的反义词


5. autocratic在不同语境下的用法

- 在政治领域,autocratic通常指代独裁政府或领导人,例如:The autocratic regime has been oppressing its citizens for decades. (这个独裁政权已经压迫其公民数十年。)

- 在商业领域,autocratic可以指代某位领导者的管理风格,例如:The autocratic CEO made all the decisions without consulting his team. (这位独裁的CEO在没有咨询团队的情况下做出所有决定。)

- 在家庭或个人关系中,autocratic可以指代某人对他人的控制和支配,例如:My father has an autocratic personality and always wants things done his way. (我父亲有着独裁的个性,总是希望事情按照他的方式来做。)

6. autocratic的例句


- The autocratic leader refused to listen to any opposing opinions.


- The company's decision-making process was hindered by the CEO's autocratic management style.


- The autocratic government imposed strict censorship on the media.


- My boss is quite autocratic and doesn't allow any input from his employees.


- The autocratic ruler was overthrown by a popular uprising.



1. Autocratic rule - 独裁统治

2. Autocratic regime - 专制政权

3. Autocratic leader - 独裁领导人

4. Autocratic government - 独裁政府

5. Autocratic system - 独裁体制

6. Autocratic behavior - 专横行为

7. Autocratic tendencies - 独断专行的倾向

8. Autocratic style - 独断专行的风格

9. Autocratic decision-making - 独断专行的决策方式

10. Autocratic management - 独裁管理方式


1. Dictatorial - This word is often used to describe someone who exercises absolute authority and makes all decisions without consulting others. It has a negative connotation, implying a lack of regard for others' opinions and a tendency towards tyranny.

2. Authoritarian - Similar to autocratic, this word refers to a leader or government that enforces strict obedience and controls all aspects of society. It also carries a negative connotation, suggesting a lack of freedom and individual rights.

3. Despotic - This word describes someone who holds absolute power and uses it in a cruel or oppressive manner. It is often associated with tyrannical rulers who abuse their authority for personal gain.

4. Tyrannical - This word is used to describe someone who exercises power in an oppressive or unjust manner, often disregarding the rights and well-being of others. It can also refer to a government or system that operates in this way.

5. Domineering - Similar to autocratic, this word describes someone who asserts their authority over others in an overbearing or controlling manner. It can also imply a sense of arrogance and disregard for others' opinions.

6. High-handed - This term refers to someone who acts in an autocratic manner, making decisions without considering the views of others or disregarding their input entirely.

7. Imperious - This adjective describes someone who behaves in an arrogant or domineering way due to their perceived superiority or authority. It can also imply a sense of entitlement and disregard for others' feelings.

8. Totalitarian - This term is used to describe a government that exercises complete control over its citizens' lives and suppresses any opposition or dissenting views. It carries strong connotations of oppression and lack of individual freedoms.

9. Absolute - While not necessarily negative on its own, when used to describe someone's rule or authority, this word can imply an autocratic style of leadership with no room for compromise or consultation.

10. Monocratic - This word is used to describe a system of government or leadership where power is held by a single individual. It can also refer to someone who exercises absolute control over a group or organization

autocratic是一个形容词,意为“独裁的,专制的”。它在发音上比较特别,需要注意。在使用上,我们可以用来形容那些权力集中、不接受他人意见的人或政治体制。例如,“The autocratic leader refused to listen to any opposing opinions.”(这位独裁领导人拒绝听取任何反对意见。)除此之外,我们还可以用一些词组来加强表达,比如“autocratic rule”(独裁统治)、“an autocratic regime”(一个专制政权)等等。如果你想要寻找一些同义词来替换autocratic,可以使用despotic、dictatorial、tyrannical等词语。最后,我是网站的编辑小明,希望我的介绍能够帮助到你理解autocratic这个词汇,并且喜欢我为大家带来的文章内容。如果你觉得有收获,请关注我!谢谢阅读!