




说到这里,我想起了一个幽默的例子来帮助大家更好地记住这个单词的发音。有一次,我在参加一个会议时听到一个人说:“I am the most authoritative person in this room.”(我是这个房间里最有权威的人)。当时我就想,“哇,他真厉害!”但后来才意识到他其实想说的是“I am the most authoritative person in this room.”(我是这个房间里最有权威的人)。你看,发音不正确就会导致误解,所以我们要特别注意哦!


1. authoritative的含义


2. authoritative的发音


3. authoritative与其他类似词汇的区别


4. authoritative的用法示例


- The book is considered the most authoritative source on the subject. (这本书被认为是该领域最权威的来源。)

- The professor's lectures are always authoritative and well-researched. (这位教授的讲座总是具有权威性并且经过深入研究。)

- She speaks with an authoritative tone, making everyone believe in her words. (她说话的语气很有权威,让每个人都相信她的话。)

5. 如何运用authoritative


- 在描述某人时,可以说“某人具有authoritative”的特质。

- 在表达自己的意见时,可以用“我认为”、“据我所知”等词来强调自己的观点具有可靠性。

- 如果你想要表扬某人或某物,可以使用“authoritative source”或“authoritative figure”的形式


1. "The author's writing style is authoritative, making the reader trust and believe in the information presented."

2. "The professor's lectures are always authoritative, leaving no room for doubt or confusion."

3. "The company's policies are based on authoritative research and data, ensuring their effectiveness."

4. "In order to be considered an authoritative source, one must have a strong reputation and expertise in their field."

5. "The book was written by an authoritative figure in the industry, providing valuable insights and knowledge."


1. Authoritative figure: 权威人士

2. Authoritative source: 可靠的来源

3. Authoritative voice: 有说服力的声音

4. Authoritative tone: 权威的语气

5. Authoritative research: 有权威性的研究


1. 同义词示例

- Authoritative: reliable, trustworthy, credible

- Authoritative: commanding, powerful, influential

- Authoritative: official, recognized, acknowledged

2. 反义词示例

- Authoritative: unreliable, untrustworthy, questionable

- Authoritative: weak, powerless, insignificant

- Authoritative: unofficial, unrecognized, unacknowledged

3. 同义词解释和用法示例

- Reliable: 可靠的,可信赖的。例如:The information from this source is always reliable.(这个来源的信息总是可靠的。)

- Trustworthy: 值得信赖的,可信任的。例如:He is a trustworthy person and we can rely on him for help.(他是一个值得信赖的人,我们可以依靠他帮助。)

- Credible: 可信的,可靠的。例如:The evidence presented in court was not credible enough to convict the suspect.(在法庭上呈现的证据不足以定罪嫌疑人。)

4. 同义词解释和用法示例

- Commanding: 有权威的,有支配力量的。例如:The general's commanding presence intimidated his soldiers into obedience.(将军威严的气场让士兵们服从了他。)

- Powerful: 强大的,有力量的。例如:The president holds a powerful position in the government.(总统在政府中拥有强大地位。)

- Influential: 有影响力的,有势力的。例如:The influential businessman was able to sway public opinion with his words.(有影响力的商人能够用言辞左右公众舆论。)

5. 同义词解释和用法示例

- Official: 官方的,正式的。例如:The official statement from the company denied any wrongdoing.(公司官方声明否认了任何不当行为。)

- Recognized: 被认可的,被承认的。例如:She is a recognized expert in her field.(她是该领域中被认可的专家。)

- Acknowledged: 公认的,被承认的。例如:He is an acknowledged leader in the community.(他是社区中公认的领导人。)

6. 反义词解释和用法示例

- Unreliable: 不可靠的,不可信赖的。例如:His promises are unreliable and we can't trust him anymore.(他的承诺不可靠,我们不能再相信他了。)

- Untrustworthy: 不值得信任的,不可信赖的。例如:The salesman seemed untrustworthy and I didn't buy anything from him.(这个销售员看起来不值得信任,我没有从他那里买任何东西。)

- Questionable: 有问题的,值得怀疑的。例如:The quality of their products is questionable and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.(他们产品质量有问题,我不会向任何人推荐他们。)

7. 反义词解释和用法示例

- Weak: 虚弱的,无力的。例如:His argument was weak and couldn't convince anyone.(他的论点很无力,无法说服任何人。)

- Powerless: 无能为力的,没有权力的。例如:The citizens felt powerless against the corrupt government.(公民们感到在面对腐败政府时无能为力。)

- Insignificant: 无足轻重的,不重要的。例如:The mistake was insignificant and didn't affect the overall outcome.(这个错误微不足道,没有影响整体结果。)


1. authoritative的词源


2. 相关词汇

- authority:名词,指某人或某组织拥有的权力或影响力,也可以指某个领域内被认可的专家。

- author:名词,指一篇文章或书籍的作者。

- authorize:动词,授权、批准。

- authoritarian:形容词,专制的、独裁的;名词,独裁者。

- authorial:形容词,指与作家或作者相关的。

3. authoritative与其他单词的区别


4. authoritative在句中的使用


- She is an authoritative figure in the field of psychology.


- This book is considered as the authoritative source for information on ancient history.


- The government has issued an authoritative statement regarding the new policy.


5. authoritative在不同语境下的意义


- The teacher's tone was authoritative, making all the students listen attentively.


- As a parent, you need to be more authoritative and set clear rules for your children.


- The court made an authoritative decision on the case, ending the long-standing dispute.


6. 词性转换


- The company's authoritative on marketing strategies is unquestionable.


- I always turn to my father for an authoritative on important decisions.

