




虽然这个词听起来很严肃和残酷,但我们也可以用一些幽默元素来缓解它所带来的压力。比如说,在电影《007》中经常出现的那些想要暗杀詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)的坏人们就可以被称为“assassinators”(暗杀者们)。另外,如果你想用这个词来表达某人做了一件非常差劲的事情,你也可以说他们“assassinated”(搞砸了)了某件事








1. assassination的意思是暗杀,通常指政治性的谋杀行为。它源自拉丁语“assassinare”,意为“杀害”。

2. 在英语中,assassination的发音为[əˌsæsɪˈneɪʃn],重音在第三个音节上。

3. 下面是一些关于assassination的双语例句:

- The assassination of the president shocked the entire nation.


- The assassination attempt was foiled by the security team.


- The film is a fictional story about the assassination of a famous political figure.


- There were rumors that the assassination was planned by a rival political party.


- The country was in turmoil after the assassination of its leader.



1. "Assassination attempt": 暗杀企图

2. "Political assassination": 政治暗杀

3. "Targeted assassination": 针对性暗杀

4. "Assassination plot": 暗杀阴谋

5. "Assassination mission": 暗杀任务

6. "Assassination squad": 暗杀小队

7. "Failed assassination": 失败的暗杀

8. "Assassination of a leader": 领导人的暗杀

9. "Assassination by poisoning": 中毒暗杀

10. "Ritualistic assassination": 仪式性暗杀


1. Murder: This term refers to the unlawful killing of a person, usually with premeditation or malice. It can be used as a synonym for assassination, especially in cases where the victim is a public figure or political leader.

2. Homicide: Similar to murder, this term also refers to the killing of a person, but it can also include accidental or unintentional deaths. It is often used in legal contexts and can be considered a synonym for assassination if the killing was intentional.

3. Execution: This term refers to the act of carrying out a death sentence imposed by a court of law. It can be seen as a synonym for assassination in cases where the victim is targeted for political reasons or as part of a conspiracy.

4. Slaying: This term refers to the act of killing someone violently or brutally. It is often used in news headlines and can be considered a synonym for assassination if the killing was planned and deliberate.

5. Elimination: This term refers to getting rid of someone or something completely, often through violent means. It can be used as a synonym for assassination if the target is specifically targeted for removal or elimination.

6. Liquidation: This term refers to the act of eliminating someone through violent means, often with political motives. It is commonly used in espionage and military contexts and can be seen as a synonym for assassination if it involves covert operations.

7. Political murder: This term specifically refers to assassinations that are carried out for political reasons, such as removing an opponent or disrupting government stability.

8. Regicide: This term specifically refers to the killing of a monarch or ruler, often with political motives. It can be seen as a synonym for assassination in cases where the victim holds significant power or authority.

9. Targeted killing: This term refers to intentionally targeting and killing specific individuals, often with military precision and planning involved. It can be considered a synonym for assassination if the target is a public figure or political leader.

10. Covert operation: This term refers to secret or undercover operations carried out by government agencies, often involving assassinations. It can be seen as a synonym for assassination if the target is specifically targeted for elimination

assassination一词既可以指暗杀行为,也可以指暗杀的结果。它的读音是[əˌsæsəˈneɪʃən]。在英语中,它有着丰富的用法和词组,如political assassination(政治性暗杀)、targeted assassination(有针对性的暗杀)等。同时,它也有一些同义词,如murder、homicide等。希望通过本文的介绍,能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多有趣的单词和知识点。祝愿大家学习进步!