
Definition of animus

1. Animus是一个拉丁词,意为“精神”或“意志”,在英语中常用来指代某种强烈的敌意或仇恨。


2. 读音为[ˈænɪməs],注意最后的-s应该发音。

3. 同义词包括malice、hostility、antagonism等,都可以表示对某人或某事物的敌意或憎恶。

4. 例如,他们之间的animus已经持续了多年,无论做什么都无法消除。

5. 另外,animus也可以指代内心深处的冲动或欲望,这时候它的含义更接近于“灵魂”或“本性”。

6. 总之,animus是一个多义词,在不同语境下可以有不同的解释。但总体来说,它都带有一种强烈的情感色彩

How to pronounce animus

1. What is animus?

Animus is a Latin word that means "spirit" or "soul." It can also refer to a deep-seated feeling or attitude, often negative, towards someone or something.

2. How to pronounce animus?

The correct pronunciation of animus is "AN-ih-muhs."

3. Animus synonyms

- Hostility: refers to feelings of anger and opposition towards someone or something.

- Resentment: means bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.

- Enmity: denotes the state of being actively opposed or hostile towards someone.

- Animosity: describes strong hostility or hatred towards someone.

- Antipathy: refers to a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards someone.

4. Example sentences:

- His animus towards his former business partner was evident in his harsh words.

- She couldn't hide her animus towards her ex-boyfriend, even after all these years.

- The two countries have a long history of enmity and it continues to this day.

- There was a strong sense of resentment among the employees after the pay cuts were announced.

- His antipathy towards authority figures often got him into trouble.

5. Tips for using animus in a sentence:

When using the word animus, it is important to make sure that the context is clear and that it is not mistaken for words with similar meanings such as anger or hatred. Also, be careful not to confuse it with the word "anime," which refers to Japanese animated films.

6. Other forms of animus:

Animi (plural noun)

Anima (singular noun)

Animated (adjective)

Animating (verb)

7. Related words:

The word "animus" has several related words that are worth knowing:

- Animate: means "to give life to" or "to make lively."

Example sentence: The new technology has animated the otherwise dull industry.

- Inanimate: refers to something that lacks life or the ability to move.

Example sentence: The inanimate objects in the room seemed to come alive in his imagination.

- Animism: is the belief that everything in nature has a soul or spirit.

Example sentence: Some cultures believe in animism and worship natural elements such as trees and rivers.

8. In conclusion:

Animus is a powerful word that conveys a deep-seated feeling of hostility or resentment towards someone or something. Remember to pronounce it as "AN-ih-muhs" and use it carefully in your sentences to avoid confusion with similar words

Usage and examples of animus

1. Animus的含义

Animus是拉丁语,意为“心智”、“意志”、“精神”。在英语中,它通常用作名词,表示强烈的敌意或仇恨。例如,“He had an animus towards his former boss and refused to work with him again.”(他对他以前的老板有着强烈的敌意,拒绝再和他一起工作。)

2. Animus的发音


3. Animus的同义词


4. 例句1:His animus towards his ex-girlfriend was evident in the way he spoke about her.


5. 例句2:The two countries have a long history of animus towards each other.


6. 例句3:Her animus towards her sister was fueled by jealousy and resentment.


7. 例句4:Despite their past animosity, the two leaders were able to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good.


8. 例句5:The animus between the two rival companies was evident in their aggressive marketing strategies.


9. 例句6:Her animus towards her former best friend was unexpected and hurtful.


Phrases with animus

1. What does animus mean?

Animus, in its most basic sense, refers to a strong feeling of hostility or ill will towards someone or something.

2. How do you pronounce animus?

The correct pronunciation of animus is "an-uh-muhs."

3. Synonyms for animus

Other words that can be used to convey a similar meaning as animus include enmity, antipathy, hostility, and malice.

4. Example sentences using animus

- His speech was filled with animus towards his political opponents.

- The two teams played with such animus that it turned into a physical fight.

- She couldn't hide her animus towards her ex-husband during the divorce proceedings.

5. Animosity: a stronger form of animus

Animosity is an even more intense form of hostility or hatred towards someone or something. It can also be used as a synonym for animus.

6. To bear/grudge an animus against someone/something

This phrase means to hold a strong resentment or grudge against someone or something.

7. Animosity between two groups/countries

This phrase is often used to describe deep-rooted and ongoing hostility between two groups or countries.

8. Animosity towards authority/religion

In this context, the word "animosity" is often used to describe a strong dislike or opposition towards those in positions of power or religious institutions.

9. Animate vs Inanimate objects

When talking about feelings of hostility, the word "animate" refers to living beings while "inanimate" refers to non-living objects.

10. To let go of one's animosity

This phrase means to release any feelings of anger or resentment towards someone and move on from the situation.

11. To act out of pure animus

When someone acts solely based on their intense dislike for someone or something, they are said to be acting out of pure animus.

12. To have an animus against someone/something

This phrase means to hold a strong negative feeling towards someone or something, often without a specific reason.

13. Animus and anima: the Latin roots

Animus and anima are derived from the Latin words for "soul" and "mind" respectively. In modern usage, animus refers to the emotional aspect of one's mind, while anima is associated with the rational aspect.

14. To be filled with animus

This phrase means to be consumed by feelings of hostility or ill will towards someone or something.

15. A speech full of animus

This phrase is often used to describe a speech that is filled with strong negative emotions towards a particular person or group

Synonyms for animus with examples

1. Definition of animus: Animus refers to a strong feeling of hostility or ill will, often based on deep-seated anger or prejudice.

2. How to pronounce animus: An-i-mus

3. Synonyms for animus:

- Hostility: a strong feeling of opposition or anger towards someone or something

Example: The two countries have a long history of hostility towards each other.

- Enmity: mutual hatred or ill will between individuals or groups

Example: The animosity between the two rival gangs was evident in their constant fights.

- Antipathy: a deep-seated aversion or dislike towards someone or something

Example: She felt an intense antipathy towards her ex-husband after their divorce.

- Resentment: bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly

Example: His resentment towards his boss was evident in the way he spoke about him.

- Grudge: a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury

Example: She held a grudge against her former friend for betraying her trust.

4. Examples using animus:

- The animus between the two political parties was evident during the heated debate.

- Her animus towards her ex-boyfriend was clear when she refused to speak to him at the party.

- The coach's animus towards the opposing team was evident in his aggressive tactics during the game.

- He couldn't hide his animus towards his colleague who had taken credit for his work.

- The group's animus towards outsiders made it difficult for them to make new friends.

In conclusion, animus is a powerful emotion that can lead to hostility, enmity, antipathy, resentment, and grudges. It is important to recognize and address these negative feelings in order to maintain healthy relationships and avoid conflicts

In conclusion, animus is a term used to describe a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something. It can also refer to a person's inner motivation or drive. Now that you know the meaning and pronunciation of animus, it's time to start using it in your daily vocabulary! Remember, using new words can help expand your language skills and impress others with your knowledge. So why not try incorporating animus into your next conversation? Thank you for reading and learning with us. As the editor of this website, I hope you have found this article informative and helpful. If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and share it with others. Stay tuned for more interesting articles from us! I am your editor, and I would love for you to continue following our website for more exciting content. See you soon!