




那么,在明白了alternately的发音之后,我们再来看看它到底是什么意思吧!简单来说,alternately就是指“交替地,轮流地”。比如,我们可以说“The two teams took turns playing the game alternately.”(这两个队轮流进行比赛)或者“The light flickered alternately between red and green.”(灯光在红色和绿色之间交替闪烁)






1. 意思:alternately是一个副词,意为“交替地”,“轮流地”。它可以用来描述两件事物或情况交替出现的情况,也可以用来表示轮流做某件事情。

2. 用法:

- 表示两件事物或情况交替出现:The weather has been alternately hot and cold this week.(这周天气一会儿热一会儿冷。)

- 表示轮流做某件事情:The children took turns pushing the cart alternately.(孩子们轮流推着手推车。)

- 作为副词修饰动词,表示交替进行的动作:She alternately laughed and cried while watching the movie.(她看电影时一会儿笑一会儿哭。)

3. 反问:你是想要我轮流解释alternately的意思和用法吗?还是只想要我简单地告诉你它的意思和用法呢?

4. 举例子:在国外旅行时,我们经常会遇到使用不同货币的国家,这时候我们就需要不断地换钱,alternately使用当地货币和自己国家的货币。

5. 幽默感:如果你身处一个热闹的聚会,但又不想每次都跟同一个人交谈,你可以alternately和不同的人聊天,这样就不会显得太偏心了


1. "I was feeling alternately happy and sad throughout the day." - 我一天中感觉时而快乐时而悲伤。

2. "We took turns driving, alternately napping in the backseat." - 我们轮流开车,时而在后座小睡。

3. "The weather has been alternately sunny and rainy this week." - 这周天气时晴时雨。

4. "She alternately laughed and cried while watching the movie." - 她看电影时时而笑时而哭。

5. "The team members worked together, alternately taking on different tasks." - 团队成员一起合作,轮流承担不同的任务。

6. "He spoke in a calm, measured tone, but his words were alternately cutting and kind." - 他以平静、有分寸的语气说话,但言辞却时而尖锐时而温和。

7. "The students were asked to alternate between reading and discussing the text." - 老师让学生在阅读和讨论之间交替进行。

8. "She felt alternately excited and nervous about her upcoming performance." - 她对即将到来的表演感到兴奋和紧张交替


1. Interchangeably - 可互换地,可以替代地,可以交替地

例如:These two words can be used interchangeably in this context. (在这种情况下,这两个单词可以互换使用。)

2. Alternately - 轮流地,交替地

例如:The students took turns speaking, alternately presenting their ideas. (学生们轮流发言,交替提出自己的想法。)

3. In turn - 依次,轮流

例如:Each member of the team will have a chance to speak in turn. (团队中每个成员都会有机会轮流发言。)

4. By turns - 轮流地,交替地

例如:The children played by turns on the swing set. (孩子们轮流在秋千上玩耍。)

5. Alternatively - 或者,另外选择

例如:If you don't like this option, you can alternatively choose another one. (如果你不喜欢这个选项,你可以选择另外一个。)

6. Substitutively - 替代地,代替性地

例如:The teacher used a video to substitutively teach the lesson when she was absent. (老师缺席时用视频代替教授课程。)

7. Mutually - 相互地,互相地

例如:The two countries have mutually agreed to reduce tariffs on imported goods. (这两个国家已经相互同意减少进口商品的关税。)
